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Customer reviews: Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards

Develop by smile.io

Reviews (547)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards receives generally positive feedback from merchants who appreciate its straightforward setup and the positive impact on customer engagement and retention. Many praise the ease of integration and the effectiveness of the loyalty program in increasing customer interaction and revenue.

Key Strengths

  • Easy and quick integration and setup
  • Excellent and responsive customer support
  • Impressive range of features and flexibility
  • Effective in increasing customer engagement and loyalty
  • Availability of a functional free plan

Common Concerns

  • Higher pricing, especially for advanced features
  • Some limitations in fraud prevention and social media sharing
  • Integration challenges on certain platforms (e.g., BigCommerce)
  • Lack of control in managing customer accounts

Final Thoughts

Overall, Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards is well-received for its robust functionality and strong customer support, making it a favored app among merchants looking to enhance customer loyalty. However, some pricing and technical limitations may require consideration for those with specific needs. Merchants commending easy setup and effective customer service suggest it is a valuable tool for building and managing a loyalty program.


Jul 11, 2016  on Bigcommerce

simple, easy, and my customers love it - Sweet Tooth was easy to setup on my website and my customers love being able to track and redeem their rewards! No extra work for me!


Jun 23, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great Product! - Customers have been asking for rewards for a while. Researched a few options and Sweet Tooth was the best by far. Excited to launch this week and so far the setup has been smooth!


Jun 15, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Awesome Concept! - Just getting started, and really like the idea of gathering loyalty from the get-go! We're selling rod components and will rely on return and referral customers. Manleyfishing.com could very well be successful because of this tool!


Jun 11, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Awesome - Very easy ti install, when I have needed Sweet Tooth support it's always been quick & very helpful. Have found customers return to my store to redeem 'points' - Great App !


Jun 07, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Newbie but good so far - I did some research against S Loyalty and I decided to go with Sweet Tooth. As a startup and small company I do have the funds to start off with a monthly package. This is a great way to see if the program works for me. I am very happy to hear of there features and support too. Let's see if they can live up to it.


Jun 03, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great, simply loyalty program - Very simple to use and set up, and very simple for our customers to use. Very happy with the app so far.


May 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App - Great app, easy to use. Free for the first 500 customers, gives small businesses the chance to get stuck in


May 23, 2016  on Bigcommerce

So far so good! - Have only just installed the app but so far, so good. Very simple to set up following the instructions given.

My Vape Cave

May 18, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great Features - Just installed the app and it has some awesome features ! I am sure this app will really help boost sales and return business for my site


May 17, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Perfect - We had been looking at several loyalty programs and decided to go with this one. So happy that we did. Exceeding our expectations so far. We have been using this app for the past 2 months and its been great!


May 11, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Awesome! Great Idea with the free trial! - I'm looking forward to this! I really like the incentive the program provides to reap its benefits immediately!


May 07, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App - Sweet Tooth app was real simple to setup on my site and for my customers to use. I will follow up with the improvements.


May 02, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Easy to configure - We just installed Sweet Tooth on our store and configured it. It was extremely easy to install and configure. We are looking forward to increasing our return customers!


May 01, 2016  on Bigcommerce

LOVE REWARDING MY CUSTOMERS & THEY LOVE BEING REWARDED - I have been searching high and low for a quality rewards program that would link right up with my shop and then I found Sweet Tooth! I'm so excited to finally have found what I was looking for. No more having to manually try to keep up with who shops often and who refers and shares the experience with me. I LOVE having the feature built right in so I don't miss an opportunity to reward those who choose to shop with me! Thanks Sweet Tooth (Smile.io) for helping me keep happy customers who KNOW just how much they mean to me! As was just said to me by one customer- "loyalty pays" :)


Apr 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Easy to use and it works! - Sweet Tooth is a great app for online store owners. It's easy to use and it works. I'm sold!


Apr 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Excited - I installed sweet tooth for my children clothing store. I'm excited to see how it will boost my sales and help me retain my customers. As a shopper I love rewards that turn into store credit. I'm hoping my customers feel the same way! Thank you!

North 49 E-Cigs Administrator

Apr 20, 2016  on Bigcommerce

So far it's been fantastic -

We've been looking of r a rewards program for awhile now and found this one in our own backyard. 


Apr 17, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great So Far -

Haven't been using this app for long, but I love the concept & I love the fact you get to try it free before upgrading to get it's extra features.


Apr 13, 2016  on Bigcommerce


I love this app and so do my customers... Must have. Love the custom features available and it really does attract customers


Apr 12, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great!!!! -

I just tried this app and so far so good!!!! Im hoping this will increase my business and get my customers more active. The idea is great and its so easy to use & manage.

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