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Customer reviews: ShipperHQ

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Reviews (105)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

"ShipperHQ" generally receives positive feedback from merchants who appreciate its comprehensive shipping solutions. Many users praise its vast functionalities and the ability to manage complex shipping needs. However, some merchants report challenges with its setup complexity and pricing, particularly for smaller businesses or those with more basic needs.

Key Strengths

  • Exceptional customer support, often singled out by name for going above and beyond.
  • Ability to customize and manage complex shipping rules.
  • Seamless integration and useful features that enhance shipping accuracy and efficiency.
  • Seen as a critical tool for businesses with intricate shipping requirements.
  • Positive impact on handling shipping rules related to specific products or regions.

Common Concerns

  • High price for advanced features, which may not justify the cost for smaller businesses.
  • Setup complexity, described as challenging, especially for users without technical expertise.
  • Issues with customer support responsiveness in certain cases.
  • Frequent billing and cancellation issues, causing inconvenience and dissatisfaction.
  • Frustrations with limitations on basic plans, driving the need for costly upgrades.

Final Thoughts

"ShipperHQ" is a powerful and adaptable solution tailored for businesses that require detailed and customizable shipping arrangements. While praised for its robust capabilities and excellent customer support, the app's setup complexity and cost may present challenges, particularly for smaller enterprises. Despite these concerns, for organizations navigating intricate shipping nuances, "ShipperHQ" remains a recommended choice.


Apr 14, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Great company, great support - customer service ALI is a beast! Helped us so much. Love to see companies treating customers so well as they did for me. Big thumbs up SHIPPERHQ! THX ALI!


Mar 24, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Great Software and Great Support - I just wanted to tip my cap to the amazing team over at Shipper HQ. We had a bumpy start out of the gate (self inflicted), but Ali, Raven, Orlando, and Bradley smoothed it all out for us. We can't thank them enough for their help and expertise.


Mar 04, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Good program, mediocre support - The program has good features and overall seems to work well thus far. However, support has been poor. Support never picks up the phone. Email support is slow and painful to deal with. Their UPS integration didn't work well and support's answer was to call UPS but it's really a Shipper HQ issue.


Feb 07, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Useless if you want to make sales in the Northern Ireland, very slow support, misleading informations - I decided to subscribe to ShipperHQ only because I was told by sales that it is possible to add Northern Ireland as separated region from the UK, but is not true, you can add NI as a one of the UK regions additionally with the Postcodes, so you won't be able to make any sales to the NI, the merchants from Ireland knows very well what I am talking about. I requested a solution from the support which is taking forever btw. and I guess got the answer without reading my message because I pointed out the problem and got in response exactly the way that I wrote I don't want to use.DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE NORTHERN IRELAND IS A PART OF THE UK MOST OF THE PEOPLE TREAT IT AS SEPARATE COUNTRY WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING, EVEN CARRIERS AS DPD OR FASTWAY HAVE ON DROPDOWN LIST NORTHERN IRELAND AS SEPARATE DESTINATION. LOCAL CARRIERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND OFFER SHIPPING TO THE WHOLE IRELAND 32 COUNTIES , ALSO AFTER BREXIT TRADING RULES FOR REMAINS SAME CO.1. Useless if you want to make sales in the Northern Ireland2. Overpriced3. Slow support4. Lack of knowledge


Oct 28, 2021  on Bigcommerce

The Best Support - The app works better than you would expect and has a deep feature set. If you are not sure if the app can perform a specific function, their support team will assist you and find a solution for your business. Their team is fast, friendly, and extremely helpful. We tried other apps, but they all left a lot to be desired. ShipperHQ performs flawlessly.


Oct 05, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Great System, Somewhat Complicated - We have been using ShipperHQ for about a year now and it works really well when it's properly setup. It can be complex to setup if you want to trace shipping very accurately and if you sell a wide range of sizes of products (i.e. envelope to 120 lb DIM). I do recommend using it though, even with the complexities. It can save you a lot of money if you charge for shipping (which I also recommend).


Aug 25, 2021  on Bigcommerce

LTL Shipment feature is flawed!! - There is a major flaw with the way ShipperHQ has their "advanced feature" of LTL freight quotes set up. Anyone that ships on a pallet via freight truck knows that in order to get an accurate rate you have to add 50 pounds to every shipment to account for the pallet weight. ShipperHQ doesn't allow us to add pallet weight because it is considered an additional advanced feature which would force us have to upgrade our plan and pay double the amount each month.How can you count LTL shipping rates as our 1 advanced feature included with our plan, but not give us accurate rates because pallet weight can't be added in?? It is a part of shipping LTL! It makes no sense and I really think this is something that needs to be changed. We are paying you to provide accurate rates yet we still lose money frequently! It's wrong! The only "solution" I have come up with is to edit all 800 products on my website and add additional weight on each product. Doing this is not only extremely time consuming, but it still won't be 100% accurate. We may even end up accidentally overcharging our customers instead or losing sales if they don't want to pay the incorrect high shipping cost. Please forward this review to the higher ups because this is not right.


Jul 23, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Great Customer Service & Attention To Detail - I had the pleasure of working with Celina Perez & Ali Qamhieh over at ShipperHQ. I had some pretty in depth questions about how their software interacts with my BigCommerce site and they were able to answer it immediately without hesitation. That's the type of commitment and rapport you hope to build when entrusting someone with your business. The software itself is robust and reliable from what we've seen so far. Granted, we're a smaller business just starting out on their "Essentials" package, but I'm sure as we grow/develop and begin to consider upgrading we'll be using more of their exclusive features. I recommend ShipperHQ to both new businesses and businesses looking for an intuitive solution that their employees can comfortably use on a day to day basis.


Jul 23, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Provided the shipping options todays customers expect. - Customers today want to know when they will receive their order (Thanks Amazon). Most basic shipping options only let the customer choose "how" an order will be shipped. This led us to ShipperHQ, they provided the insight to know what time of day we cut off shipping, find transit time from our zip code to the customer zip code, factor in holidays. Ultimately to give the customer a better experience.As far as working with ShipperHQ - we were developing a new website to meet modern demands and signed up for a trial of ShipperHQ, development took longer than expected and our trial ended. ShipperHQ was kind enough to extend our trial so we could test features live. Set up was easy at first but we ran into problems in set up, Support was very helpful and carrying out the remaining tasks (Shout out to Arthur).Based on the advanced features ShipperHQ provides and the support we received I would recommend ShipperHQ


Jul 13, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Great Support! - I have had Shipper HQ for a few years now. Everything has been working perfectly fine. We recently had a big change in our business and needed their help setting up some additional pretty complex shipping rules and filters. Their support team, and especially Peter, have been excellent to work with, patient, and walked me through how to set things up for success. Excellent app! Keep up the good work.


Jul 07, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Helpful Solutions - Shipper HQ helped solve a problem we were having with shipping rates on the front end of our website. Their most basic plan was all we needed to solve our issue. Great tool to help with the shipping processes on both the front and back ends of just about any e-commerce store.


May 20, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Beware! - We had an account with them and they made an error with setting it up. After 3 months, we finally got access to the account, but they would not provide a refund or credit for the 3 months we didn't have service. We are paying for a service we didn't use. Make sure your account is working before you you pay. They will not be courteous.


Jan 05, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Great Features! Excellent Support! - We've been using ShipperHQ for about 9 months. We previously used BC shipping, and are very happy with the switch. While we aren't using all of the features available, we have implemented quite a few rules to improve the customer experience. Customers get accurate quotes based on their location, and methods they shouldn't be allowed to use (due to ORMD, lithium batteries, other restrictions) are not offered. This eliminates us trying to contact customers to adjust shipping methods, or cancelling items that cannot ship to a location. Prior tools would require workarounds and painstaking setup to get restrictions like this to work, if they could handle it at all.Support has been top-notch and very responsive. We were making tweaks to estimated delivery dates during the 2020 holiday season as different carriers were experiencing delays. Logan in Support quickly helped during this critical time for us.ShipperHQ works well. Take the time to set up your products correctly in BC and you'll be amazed at what offering accurate shipping options can do for a business.


Nov 04, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Great customer support - Although I was incompetent in setting up shipping, the support staff at ShipperHQ were phenomenal. They answered every question I had and walked me through the steps I needed to take to resolve my issues. I was stressing about not having accurate shipping quotes to my customers, and they relieved me from that stress.


Jul 20, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Resolved major issues with in cart shipping estimates and shipping charges covering actual shipping costs - Prior to ShipperHQ, it was difficult for our store to accurately quote shipping charges to customers, and often we found payments from customers for shipping didn't cover their actual shipping costs. We have taken advantage of Dimensional Shipping - which has solved many of those issues. It was a bit tough to set up dimensional shipping at first, but once I was able to wrap my head around the awesome functionality it made sense. Thanks ShipperHQ for giving our customers as accurate rates as possible, and for helping us to cover our shipping costs.


Jan 06, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Great Support! - We have been using ShipperHQ for a little over a year now and we've had their team create and fine tune a custom rate table for us so we can use a local parcel carrier. This functionality has saved us and our customers a ton of money and we couldn't be happier! Great company and even better customer service!


Jan 03, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Great Customer Support - I had a good experience with their customer support team. They responded to me very quick with the appropriate answer and tried to help us. I highly recommend this APP!


Dec 18, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Should be Top of Everyone's BC App list! - Not only does ShipperHQ have some incredibly powerful tools, but their support is second to none! I had to bug them probably 20 times during my setup because I have extremely unique situations with mutiple pickup locations, state AND specific zip code restrictions, multiple shipping groups that represent products that must be shipped 1-2 day methods because they are live products, and the shipping restrictions that exist with Hemp products. They worked with me patiently and even got their entire support team to brainstorm a way to make this work for us and boy did they come through! Now that I really understand the workflow and how the logic processes behind the scenes, my customers no longer have to deal with us calling and saying "hello sir/ma'am, we can't ship fedex to your PO box..." or "you can't ship a fresh plant 1st class mail, that takes 8-10 days... first class is the slowest... yeah I know it seems like it should be the best but $3.50 compared to $50... it's the worst lol". I strongly recommend anyone who has a diversity of products and wants to control exactly how shipping operates needs ShipperHQ! And don't waste hours trying to do it yourself when they are so willing and able to help! Just ask them! They will help!


Dec 02, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Very Robust! - They have about every option you can think of. Kind of complicated, but their customer service is always there to guide us to our goals. We been using it for about a year now.


Oct 23, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Sales/Support - I was having trouble with the way the my shipperhq account was set up originally, and it was very confusing and hard to edit. I wanted to add some additional carriers to offer my customers insurance and a check signature required option and I got a hold of a gentleman named Jared that helped me out to get everything I needed, done. Not only did he find a way to get all of these offers up on my site for my customers but, he also went in and cleaned up my whole back end of my account to make it way more easier to edit and operate my account! The greatest thing about this whole situation is, Jared was part of the sales team, not even the support team! It goes to show how dynamic their employees are and that they know exactly what you want to get accomplished and help you every step of the way. Jared, you are amazing and I appreciate all the help you have done for me. This is really going to help my business moving forward. Thanks!

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