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Customer reviews: ShipperHQ

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Reviews (105)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

"ShipperHQ" generally receives positive feedback from merchants who appreciate its comprehensive shipping solutions. Many users praise its vast functionalities and the ability to manage complex shipping needs. However, some merchants report challenges with its setup complexity and pricing, particularly for smaller businesses or those with more basic needs.

Key Strengths

  • Exceptional customer support, often singled out by name for going above and beyond.
  • Ability to customize and manage complex shipping rules.
  • Seamless integration and useful features that enhance shipping accuracy and efficiency.
  • Seen as a critical tool for businesses with intricate shipping requirements.
  • Positive impact on handling shipping rules related to specific products or regions.

Common Concerns

  • High price for advanced features, which may not justify the cost for smaller businesses.
  • Setup complexity, described as challenging, especially for users without technical expertise.
  • Issues with customer support responsiveness in certain cases.
  • Frequent billing and cancellation issues, causing inconvenience and dissatisfaction.
  • Frustrations with limitations on basic plans, driving the need for costly upgrades.

Final Thoughts

"ShipperHQ" is a powerful and adaptable solution tailored for businesses that require detailed and customizable shipping arrangements. While praised for its robust capabilities and excellent customer support, the app's setup complexity and cost may present challenges, particularly for smaller enterprises. Despite these concerns, for organizations navigating intricate shipping nuances, "ShipperHQ" remains a recommended choice.


Jan 14, 2025  on Bigcommerce

removes feature sets to drive custom development - We have been using ShipperHQ at an enterprise level for nearly three years. Recently, we attempted to implement a simple shipping rule: free shipping on orders over $500 and a flat fee for anything under that amount. This functionality is explicitly documented in their FAQ and listed as one of their features. However, we discovered that the basic ability to apply a flat fee to the entire cart is missing.When we contacted their support team, they falsely claimed that this feature has never existed, which is blatantly untrue. Not only is it documented, but I have personally used it in the past. After their so-called "further investigation," they admitted they couldn’t find a solution and instead suggested I pay them for "custom development" to add a feature they already advertise and claim to offer.This is appalling behavior. I already pay this company thousands of dollars every month, and now they expect me to pay even more for something that should be included. Their actions are dishonest and utterly unacceptable.


Aug 07, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Horrible Support - Support is horrible. I have been trying to get this app working correctly for a couple weeks and no one will help me.


Mar 03, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Expensive - Update: Their "advanced" features are pretty basic functionality and yet really drive their monthly price. Current issue is we used their in-store pickup and they have google maps built in but only for Magento not BC. Otherwise the functionally is nothing more then a flat rate carrier (you can set this up not using the advanced feature) and just call it pickup. The premium feature doesn't allow any way to pass on our location in the form of the google map or at minimum a simple link. Worse yet when you read their tutorial on it they make it sound like the feature is present for BC - really misleading. I would agree with everyone here saying it is expensive. It seems fine enough at $75 but as soon as you want to do just about anything you have to keep going up a level or two. Next plan up is $200. The documentation is decent. I have done all the onboarding myself - had to reach out to support once and they actually gave me the wrong info - I am sure an honest mistake but the tech stated we needed two accounts for multistore functionality and that is not true. We wanted to integrate pickup times and that feature is only available at enterprise which the prev tier is $650 a month so I could only imagine what enterprise pricing is. It gets the job done, does a decent job, but the price is certainly at a premium.


Sep 24, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Poor Business Model - ShipperHQ is decent at what it does - but what it does is not rocket science. It is way over priced for the basic features. Furthermore, it limits what should be built-in functions (like determining residential vs. commercial address) on the lower tier pricing plans. The basic tiers leave off just enough to be very limiting and force you to a higher tier. To top off the already over-priced model - they just informed me of 180% price increase. This is absurd - The price increase only gives 30 days notice - so I now have to complete my redesign of the website within the next 30 days as I will not be continuing to use the service at $180/month.


Aug 24, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Good APP with horrible support - I don't love to leave negative reviews but I wanted to warn others about this company. Fedex and others promote this app/company as something great and to an extent, they are good at what they do. The app has a lot of features to help your business. The cost is a bit high for what it is though. The worst part is honestly the support team. I practically NEVER have anyone answer the phone when I call. The time of day does not matter, they simply never answer. So you decide to email them, expecting a modestly quick reply. Days can go by without a reply for the most simple of requests. I used them on two websites but now we will use them on none. Business owners need answers quickly to questions and problems when they pop up. This company CAN NOT offer you that quick response. The Advanced Shipping Manager can and that is where we are going.


Aug 23, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Beware continued charges - We canceled Shipper HQ in May and apparently if you don't also contact them, instead of just cancelling on Bigcommerce, they continue to charge you until you figure it out. I love how companies let you sign up on Bigcommerce, take your money, but them make you jump through all kinds of hoops in order to cancel. oh, also, when you do realize they have not canceled, it's "their" policy not to refund you. What a dam joke! Not an honest company.


May 20, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Beware! - We had an account with them and they made an error with setting it up. After 3 months, we finally got access to the account, but they would not provide a refund or credit for the 3 months we didn't have service. We are paying for a service we didn't use. Make sure your account is working before you you pay. They will not be courteous.


Feb 23, 2019  on Bigcommerce

TERRIBLE - This is the last email i send them for support Hello, I am really getting fed up with this sub par service that works 1/4 of the time, If that! I have one simple shipping rule that allows free shipping to united states only and calculated shipping for the rest of the world. So far 7 out of my last ten orders with free shipping for the shipping group all charged my customers shipping. Then there is the abandoned cart. witch totaled $26,744 last month alone! now i am not saying all of that is because of shipping prices being inaccurate but i would say being fair i would say at the very least i would blame 1/4 of that due to customers not getting free shipping upon checkout. Then dare i say it, Customer service. Spend $50.00 a month on the "Basic" Package that only works when it wants to and only get email support. Getting phone support from Shipper HQ is like trying to hit the lottery, Never going to happen. Please Fix this terrible platform SincerelyYour hard working small business owner customer


Oct 10, 2018  on Bigcommerce

One of the top hardest app to set up ever - I have been using many many apps during the years, I would say ShipperHQ is the most hard APP to useSometimes just for a simple rule that limit certain products total ship amount to certain countries, you might need spend 10 hours and try all different kind of filter, rule or set up inside the carrier table rates and you still can't make it. The limitation on total price or total quantity sounds like never working.I can set up my own database for my whole team, I can zaiper all different apps together, but I can't handle ShipperHQ.The support document was written so simply and looks like the developer never seriously tried to set up a real working rule after they finished their programming. The whole idea of the combined set up is so complicated and it's very easy for you miss one point in some hidden place and you will never make your shipping rule work. If you don't know a real professional to help you understand or follow up the developers idea, I strongly recommend you forget about this app


Sep 16, 2015  on Bigcommerce

So far, not good -

I too am having issues with Shipper HQ. I want to be able to give customers an option of USPS for 5.95 on certain products. I have gone through and labeled all the products that I want to offer, but if I test it out, it will either give me a 5.25 shipping total, or most of the times it gives an error, so the customer can't complete the order. I understand it's still in the testing stage, but it really isn't ready yet. Definitely not worth the $50 a month. I de-activated the account yesterday and spoke to Big Commerce, it seems this is the only way to go for what I want to do, so I just reactivated it and saw others comments, and realized it's not just me doing something wrong. I will de-activate again, and look for other options.

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