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Customer reviews: Mailchimp

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Reviews (169)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants have mixed feelings about "Mailchimp." While some users appreciate its ease of integration and utility for email marketing, many express frustration over technical issues, synchronization problems, and perceived high costs. The support experience is also frequently criticized, with some customers finding it inadequate or unresponsive.

Key Strengths

  • Smooth integration and easy setup for existing users
  • Powerful marketing and email campaign features
  • User-friendly platform for creating and scheduling emails
  • Effective starter platform for growing businesses
  • Functional email tracking and analytics tools

Common Concerns

  • High costs associated with non-subscribed contacts being counted
  • Problems with integration, especially with BigCommerce
  • Lack of effective customer support and communication
  • Technical issues such as automatic unsubscribes and sync failures
  • Complexities and bugs in new platform updates

Final Thoughts

Overall, "Mailchimp" is recognized for its marketing capabilities and ease of initial setup, but faces criticism for recent technical and support challenges. While it remains a valuable tool for many businesses, potential users should be aware of its limitations and prepare for possible integration troubles.


Apr 29, 2017  on Bigcommerce

EXCELLENT PLATFORM AND INTERGRATION - Super App for email marketing, they changed there paltform and updated with more options like recommendation, easy to use, but you have to learn also and navigate all options...am happy to use Mailshimp, mobile freindly and professional templates...thank you


Apr 09, 2017  on Bigcommerce

Completes MailChimp Integration - We were already using Mail Chimp and this app helps complete that by adding in tracking so we can now tie sales to our email campaigns. The functionality is all in the MailChimp website, which is preferred to some other integrations that try to launch within the BigCommerce frame. ;) I like to use the whole window when working with services like this.


Sep 24, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Lots of potential. Barely any functionality. - First the good:This app links up your account so that you can see if any of those clicks from email turn into money earned. Very cool. If that's all you want (and you're OK with the first con, below) then this app will be great!You'll love it.But here are the cons:1. This app will indeed dump a bunch of addresses into your list as mentioned here. Whether these people want to be on this list? Well I'm pretty sure they had not opted in.2. The product recommendation feature is completely worthless. This was what we were most excited about, but it's the most disappointing part. It took four days of chatting to get to the bottom of this, and here's the deal:a. This app can NOT HANDLE VARIANTS. Do you have products with variants? Those products are literally invisible to the recommendation feature (thus rendering it worthless for our store). When this app gives a user my "top sellers," the #4 product is actually #86 in my store. Because it's the fourth product out of my top 86 that doesn't have a variable. From support when I suggested that this feature is broken: " this it is not something that is broken but a misalignment in API parity."Call it whatever you want. Recommending a poor-selling product (#86) as a top seller (#4) is broken.b. This app can only display one image. It chooses neither of the obvious images (the first image or the thumbnail, of course), but the last image uploaded. Have fun re-uploading your thumbnail images, moving them back to the formerly-selected order, reselecting them as the thumbnail and deleting your old thumbnail image for your entire catalog just to trick this app into choosing the correct image.Again, from support when asking why the app wouldn't just pull the thumbnail: "this is something that does not align with the API." Then the above process was suggested.------------ ------------ ------------The entire product recommendation works ONLY under the following conditions:1. You don't use variants. 2. You have one image per product. If that's you, you're going to LOVE this app. If it's not, be warned. Product recommendations will NOT WORK.I'm sorry MailChimp. I really love your mail service. The Pro plan is incredible. But this app is a train wreck.


Jul 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Not overly impressed - I'd recommend saving/exporting your current mailing list subscribers before you install this app. Installing this has just added non-subscribing and un-subscribing customers into my MailChimp – not overly impressed!

Chetan Sachdev

Jul 05, 2016  on Bigcommerce

not sure what it does - I've installed this, but I'm not sure what it actually does. We had basic integration before this app and this doesn't seem to do anything.Edit: So I've figured out what this app does. It integrated the shopping cart sales with clicks from email blasts. AWESOME! I love analytical data and always wondered if our emails were bringing in sales. Now I know! Ironically a lot of the sales have nothing to do with what we were advertising but getting more people to the site and getting orders is the name of the game anyway.The app doesn't do much on the site but does a lot on the back end.If you use Mail Chimp I HIGHLY suggest using this app for integration.


Jun 23, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Whats the point - I love Mailchimp. But what's the point of the app if it just opens another page that takes you to Mailchimps website? Also randomly added 2000+ emails to my list.

Richard Burri

Jun 21, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Good app, confusing install on Bigcommerce - I have used MailChimp before the integration with Bigcommerce and I've always been very happy with it. The app should not be rated based on the integration process, which is confusion since you get an error message but when you look on the left you'll see the MailChimp logo.I'm looking forward to be using MailChimp as integrated part of our website: www.grandluxpens.com GrandLuxPens - Luxury Every Day!


Jun 16, 2016  on Bigcommerce

It works, it just looks like it doesn't - I also tried to install the app and got the same error message, but when I went back to the app store and clicked "launch" it actually DID integrate and DID work. When I look in Mail Chimp for the data, I can't find it though.... not sure if that's because they don't have enough data yet or if I'm not looking in the right place - but they should definitely make it easier to find.UPDATE: BEWARE! When you install this app it takes all of your customer's emails and adds them to your MailChimp account - even if they have opted out previously. Mine added 11,000 names - and I have no idea if these people actually WANT to be on my list or not. When I emailed them about it, they blamed my settings in Big Commerce, but I can't see how Big Commerce is to blame when they came in and stole the emails from my store's back end. Now I have to figure out how to manually remove them all - NOT FUN!


Jun 16, 2016  on Bigcommerce

"Unable to find intergration"?? - I have tried 5 or 6 times to get this to work. Everytime I input my MC username and password it just comes up with an error message: "mailchimp is unable to locate this integration please uninstall and try again".

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