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Desku - Helpdesk, Chatbots & Livechat

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Comprehensive support platform: live chat, chatbots, surveys, macros, audience targeting.

Multiple store support
Live chat
Audience targeting
Personalized messaging
Survey builder
No code chatbots
Email inbox
Order status bot
Time-saving macros
2 Reviews

About Desku - Helpdesk, Chatbots & Livechat

Built by Desku technology pvt ltd

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
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Desku is an all-in-one eCommerce Customer Support Software for Ecwid & others. Engage visitors in real time to boost sales and satisfaction. It helps in making communication stronger with your customers through multiple channels such as Emails, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, live chat widgets, chatbot automation, and much more in real-time

Increase your sales by lightning up your customer support.

Desku is an all-in-one customer support platform that helps in providing Automated customer support to SMBs through its features like an email inbox, Live Chat, powerful Knowledge Base, and No Code Chatbots Builder.

  • Connect Multiple Stores - Desku allows the Ecwid vendors to connect their multiple stores, so they can support customers of all the store
  • Dynamic Variables for Personalized Chat - With Dynamic Liquid Variables, you can send personalized messages based on specific conditions.
  • Easy to Use Survey Builder - The Survey builder in Desku provides interactive options to create engaging surveys, to which visitors can easily respond. It also provides response insights.
  • Time-Saving Macros - The Macro feature will save your day when you want to perform multiple actions repeatedly. Just define the tasks you want to perform and Desku will do all of them for you in just a few clicks.
  • Check Order Status with Chatbot - You can create a simple bot recipe to allow your customers to check their order status anytime. All they need to provide is order ID & delivery postal code.
  • Target Right Audience with Eyecatcher - Eyecatcher is an addition to Desku's Live Chat widget. Define the Target Audience criteria, and the Eyecatcher will show up at the right time, for the right audience. Eyecatcher has multiple options including a message initiation.


  • Comprehensive support platform includes live chat, chatbots, surveys, and audience targeting.
  • Enables connection of multiple stores for Ecwid vendors, allowing for centralized support management.
  • Dynamic Liquid Variables allow for personalized communications, enhancing customer interaction.
  • Survey Builder is easy to use and provides valuable response insights.
  • Time-saving Macros help automate repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency.
  • Simple chatbot setup helps customers check their order status easily.
  • Eyecatcher feature enhances audience targeting with customizable message initiation.


  • Might be complex for small businesses with limited technical expertise due to its comprehensive features.
  • The need for setting up dynamic variables and surveys might require additional training for optimal usage.
  • Potential initial setup time for connecting multiple stores and configuring chatbots.

Top Helpful Reviews

Natural I.

Jun 15, 2024  on Ecwid

This app is great! Highly recommend for anyone looking to enhance their customer service management. The website chat feature works seamlessly and the admin dashboard is super easy and loaded with features. Also the support from Desku is awesome!

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