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Customer reviews: Product Review Importer & Exporter

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Reviews (36)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants using the "Product Review Importer & Exporter" app have mixed feelings. Many appreciate its functionality when formatted correctly, emphasizing the time efficiency and being free. However, some users experience technical difficulties and have noted a lack of support, making the overall experience dependent on the user's technical proficiency and patience.

Key Strengths

  • Efficient import and export of reviews when data is formatted correctly.
  • Automatic approval of uploaded reviews, saving considerable time.
  • Free to use, offering cost-effective solutions for businesses.
  • Simple process once the merchants understand the requirements and guidelines.
  • Ability to handle large volumes of data, allowing seamless transition between platforms.

Common Concerns

  • Difficulties with data formatting requirements, such as date and character encoding.
  • Lack of guidance and support leading to user frustration.
  • Issues in recognizing product identifiers like SKU or product ID.
  • Persistent errors with no clear guidance on resolution.
  • Reports of compatibility issues and the app sometimes not functioning as expected.

Final Thoughts

The "Product Review Importer & Exporter" app is a potentially powerful tool for merchants looking to import and export reviews efficiently. Its effectiveness highly relies on user's diligence in data preparation and format compliance. While it is resourceful for those who manage to utilize it properly, improvements in user support and clearer instructional resources are necessary for wider, frustration-free adoption.


Feb 08, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Ap doesn't work - I've spent about 4 hours trying to make the product review importer work. Nothing whatsoever that I have tried has worked. I can't get the App to recognize a product by SKU, product ID, or product name.Nothing works. I was forced to give a 1 star rating for this App, but my real rating is Zero.


Sep 30, 2018  on Bigcommerce

worked in the end - Spent ages trying to make this work, as the error messages are not particularly helpful. It turns out that it doesn't recognise SKUs properly, so it's best to import reviews with the title of the product instead as identifier (has to be exactly the same). Good luck.


Jan 01, 2018  on Bigcommerce

Export Success - Due the the nature of our products, we wanted to have a single page that displayed all product reviews. This program successfully exported product reviews without any issues.


Jul 02, 2017  on Bigcommerce

Somewhat broken and unsupported - This app is promising, but is broken in several ways and unsupported by Big Commerce:1. Trying to import a large number of reviews (1,500 in our case) results in large numbers of "429 Too Many Requests," presumably because of rate-limiting on the Big Commerce API. (Possible work around: import reviews in smaller batches).2. When matching against product name, any products that have a "&" in the product nme will fail.3. There's a conflict if you try connect reviews to products via SKU, and the SKUs are numeric: the app interprets numeric values as Big Commerce product IDs, not as SKUs, and the connection doesn't happen (workaround: use the product name, not the SKU).We were told by Big Commerce support that this app was coded by an employee who's since left the company. Several attempts to request support failed. In other words, you're on your own.a

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