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Customer reviews: Product Review Importer & Exporter

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Reviews (36)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants using the "Product Review Importer & Exporter" app have mixed feelings. Many appreciate its functionality when formatted correctly, emphasizing the time efficiency and being free. However, some users experience technical difficulties and have noted a lack of support, making the overall experience dependent on the user's technical proficiency and patience.

Key Strengths

  • Efficient import and export of reviews when data is formatted correctly.
  • Automatic approval of uploaded reviews, saving considerable time.
  • Free to use, offering cost-effective solutions for businesses.
  • Simple process once the merchants understand the requirements and guidelines.
  • Ability to handle large volumes of data, allowing seamless transition between platforms.

Common Concerns

  • Difficulties with data formatting requirements, such as date and character encoding.
  • Lack of guidance and support leading to user frustration.
  • Issues in recognizing product identifiers like SKU or product ID.
  • Persistent errors with no clear guidance on resolution.
  • Reports of compatibility issues and the app sometimes not functioning as expected.

Final Thoughts

The "Product Review Importer & Exporter" app is a potentially powerful tool for merchants looking to import and export reviews efficiently. Its effectiveness highly relies on user's diligence in data preparation and format compliance. While it is resourceful for those who manage to utilize it properly, improvements in user support and clearer instructional resources are necessary for wider, frustration-free adoption.


Feb 09, 2025  on Bigcommerce

Perfect job. All reviews imported successfully! - All reviews from our previous provider were imported flawlessly.We first downloaded the template and then added all the previous reviews from our old site.Finally imported the file to bigcommerce to have all reviews posted on site.


Jul 17, 2024  on Bigcommerce

Works Great! - Download their template and populate your reviews data to upload. Keep in mind , you will have to format the date to match the import formats available as they want the date to have \ in the format. Uploaded reviews are automatically approved , saving 1000s of hours.


May 24, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Very Simple & Worked Great - We are in the process of moving to BigCommerce from another platform and wanted to import our reviews. This tool worked great! We were a little skeptical after reading the reviews, but we just made sure the data was clean and the date was the right format (you choose the format on the app import page). Clean data means no emojis and no special characters. We did a test with a few reviews and it worked great. Had no issue importing several hundred reviews. It was easy and fast. Great app and Free!Note: Our site above isn't live yet on BigCommerce, but will be soon.


May 22, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Export: Simple and Worked Perfectly - Wanted to export all our reviews into Excel. Added the app to our store, followed the directions to export reviews, and had them all in Excel in .csv format within minutes. No idea why there are so many poor reviews, maybe it's with the importing?


Feb 23, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Does not work - Does not work! Even customer support does not work. Even Big Commerce support could not get the app to work and could not find any way to contact their customer support.


May 11, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Can't export - I installed the app to be able to EXPORT my reviews for Stamped.io, but when I go to the page to export, it just presents the page to export.


Nov 04, 2021  on Bigcommerce

App needs an update for Google to be able to read the reviews - Google console error Invalid object type for field "author"The contact link for the developer does not work.


Sep 04, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Works Just Fine - This Product works Great! However, to get it to work, you must be extremely careful about making sure the Reviews are Clean of Strange Characters that may cause the program to choke. 1. Open a FREE Big Commerce Trial Site 15 day to practice on.2. Get your date, names and comments clean and in the correct format.3. Use the Product Title to Identify the Review, NOT product ID.4. Use Excel function =Clean() to Cleanse the Product Review of unprintable characters.5. Remove Emojis, Ampersand "&", Sometimes apostrophe's can have a different character under different keyboards - replace those with the correctly displayed one. You can use find and replace in Excel.6. At first, load up only 3 reviews, just to test the system.

Jim McDonell

Sep 02, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Works well - Worked very well. The reason I gave it 4 stars is because it didn't import the rating value. But I was able to add that in on the CSV file.I think everyone needs to understand that every app has their own template requirements, so what you do is use this app to export the raw data, then copy it into the template required by the app you are using.


Aug 16, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Great! - Works how it states, 6000 product reviews from trustpilot and feefo - all upload in batches, some errors but that was explained and easy to fix, took about an hour to do, very easy and simple, so happy!


Jul 09, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Easy and fast. - I accidentally deleted a product listing but we had a csv back-up of our reviews.My team and I figured out how to use this app in minutes, and it works.It saved us a ton of time.I would be willing to pay a one-time fee for this app. It's great.


Apr 20, 2021  on Bigcommerce

doesn't work - Simply get an error stating the headers are improper format. They are the template headers.


Mar 22, 2021  on Bigcommerce

no guide - despite following the structure, getting the same error - There's no template with example for the review imports. Despite following the same header naming convention, using CSV with UTF-8, always getting the same outcome - error


Jul 21, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Gets the job done! - The previous reviews for this app were too harsh. The app gets the job done if you follow their instructions. The best part is that this app free. It took me less than 5 minutes to figure it out. Thank you!


Jul 17, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Takes Time but Works Great - It did take me a full day to go through the 4000+ reviews we were migrating, but other then my time, it was FREE! It IS very picky, but again... Free!


Jun 06, 2020  on Bigcommerce

yes it took a while but worked! - You have to use the template and input the info to the T! Be careful if you have any emoji it will give you an error! it took me 20 times to figure that out! also year needs not to be 2020. it needs to be 20. I hope this helps! good luck!


Apr 09, 2020  on Bigcommerce

It works but alot of guess work involved - AS most other have said its hit and miss and the problem is they don't really give you any solid quidence in what its failed on.It took me 30mins to work out and import 1780 reviews on one site and now I have another site todo approx 3500 reviews.From what I could tell you CAN'T ust SKU (even though this is the most reliable as it does not really change) I had to to use product name.I had to manually go through every review and remove any chars like these:It’s working!Ordered and delivered within 48 hrs—brilliant!"Quick and painless and cheaper than…Lovely👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍as some examples didn't take long - also noticed the & is not allowed so a quick find and replace In excel fixed that.Make sure there are no blanks it did not like that either It did not say you can't have blanks but on tests I done blanks are not good.Hope some of this may help others?Apart from this the app does a decent job once its working, just wish there were some kind of help file even explaining that you can't have the & symbol etc etc.


Oct 30, 2019  on Bigcommerce

It is tricky, it works but you have to be very careful - It does not work for importing reviews. No matter what it gives this result: "Last import results: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8f in position 6463: character maps to "UPDATE (hours later):I was able to import my reviews from Trustspot. The trick is to make sure the data is clean. Clean of emojis and anything that is not simple text. I ran the data using "text wrangler" to clean everything, and then the import finally worked. A simple CSV archive in UTF-8 format, with the first row using the same names as the template.So it can work, the date was formatted to MM/DD/YY, make sure there are no extra spaces in the date format and make sure there are no weird characters. Also, I had to copy extracts from the existing reviews into the "title" category as the reviews I was importing lacked the title, but everything is now uploaded and working.


Sep 12, 2019  on Bigcommerce

app workss - app works fine. just make sure you format the date to DD/MM/YY in excel and save as CSV


Mar 24, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Need to clean your file - Took a while to get this to work. Key was to use the CLEAN() function in Excel to strip out extraneous characters from review text and title, and also saved it as MSDOS encoded CSV file, just to be even stricter. That still pulled a bunch of errors because the dates from Yotpro export were in UTC format. So used Excel to convert these to normal mm/dd/yy dates and import finally worked. Would be asier if there was some field mapping during import and if it automatically stripped non ascii characters.

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