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Customer reviews: Form Builder by POWR

Develop by powr.io

Reviews (50)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally appreciate "Form Builder by POWR" for its ease of use and the expansive range of customizable options it provides for building forms. Many users laud the app for its effectiveness in solving the typical limitations of standard form solutions with ease. However, some express dissatisfaction with the pricing model and limitations of the free version. The responsiveness and helpfulness of the customer support team are frequently highlighted as outstanding.

Key Strengths

  • Extensive customization options with user-friendly interface.
  • Helpful and responsive customer support, often mentioned by name, including Richcarde and Irina.
  • Efficient integration with platforms like BigCommerce.
  • Ability to collect and manage data effectively, including integration capabilities with tools like Google Sheets.

Common Concerns

  • Limitations on the free version, with aggressive paywalls pushing towards paid subscriptions.
  • Issues with account management and payment processing reported by several users.
  • Concerns over the functionality with newer themes and scripts in BigCommerce.
  • Some merchants reported forms not saving correctly or account access issues.

Final Thoughts

"Form Builder by POWR" receives mixed feedback from its users. Many are enthusiastic about its versatility and the robust support provided by the team, making it a valuable tool for those in need of customized form solutions. However, the pricing structure and limitations of the free version can be a significant drawback for some users. Overall, it serves as a powerful tool for businesses that require extensive form functionalities but necessitates an investment to access its full capabilities.


Jun 25, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Cool - Nice app integration, although it could be much better, and more intuitive if it had more and better option boxes such as a simple 'Auto-Generated Number' box script that starts with 2-5 numbers of your choice and goes synchronously after that like other free Apps have. It could have the ability to build agreements if certain other fields were added, or RMA forms as described above with synchronous numbers. Also the form email that goes to the customer always ends up in their JUNK email box, which creates support call trouble, which defeats the purpose of the needed App,..which is to cut down on calls by simple automation. In my opinion its ok for now, but could be easily made much better especially for the monthly price we pay for Business that other form builder app do free until going over a certain amount of uses. Basically it needs to be made better for the continued price, and could be a good App integration tool.

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