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Customer reviews: Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards

Develop by smile.io

Reviews (547)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards receives generally positive feedback from merchants who appreciate its straightforward setup and the positive impact on customer engagement and retention. Many praise the ease of integration and the effectiveness of the loyalty program in increasing customer interaction and revenue.

Key Strengths

  • Easy and quick integration and setup
  • Excellent and responsive customer support
  • Impressive range of features and flexibility
  • Effective in increasing customer engagement and loyalty
  • Availability of a functional free plan

Common Concerns

  • Higher pricing, especially for advanced features
  • Some limitations in fraud prevention and social media sharing
  • Integration challenges on certain platforms (e.g., BigCommerce)
  • Lack of control in managing customer accounts

Final Thoughts

Overall, Smile.io Loyalty & Rewards is well-received for its robust functionality and strong customer support, making it a favored app among merchants looking to enhance customer loyalty. However, some pricing and technical limitations may require consideration for those with specific needs. Merchants commending easy setup and effective customer service suggest it is a valuable tool for building and managing a loyalty program.


Dec 06, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great App - Easy to use, exactly what our company needed!


Dec 06, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Love - Loving this! Very easy to use


Dec 03, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Jewelry Marketplace with Free Shipping - Sweet Tooth Makes it Possible for Our Customers to Get Each other Amazing Jewelry with this wonderful rewards program


Dec 01, 2016  on Bigcommerce

great - Exactly what I was looking for =)


Nov 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great Loyalty App - I can't wait to increase my customers with this great app.


Nov 30, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great loyalty program - Great loyalty program to use. It would be great if they could lower their small business pricing.


Nov 28, 2016  on Bigcommerce

GREAT APP - Easy to use and effective


Nov 25, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Ease of use - Sweet Tooth is a cinch to integrate with Big Commerce. This loyalty app has been received well by our customers.

Keith Watson

Nov 25, 2016  on Bigcommerce

A great addition to boost sales! - Really simple to use and interacts with your customers perfectly to increase sales


Nov 25, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Easy to use, install and benefit - I love Sweet Tooth. I have followed them since they first started on BigC and have been impressed with there dedication to continually improving their programme and how they can benefit your business. Most others just claim all the cool things you wish you could are "in development" but never actually launch them. Sweet Tooth does.


Nov 24, 2016  on Bigcommerce

it do will boot your business - it do will boot your business ,I like it .


Nov 15, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Awesome app! - Easy to use for upcoming websites!


Nov 15, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Easy to use - Very easy to use BC app. With so many different options. Helps create customer following nicely.


Nov 13, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Brilliant App! - Excellent app so far so good.


Nov 11, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Cool app - So far, so good. The app was easy to install & easy to customize the points & payout amounts.


Nov 10, 2016  on Bigcommerce

review - this app is great


Nov 06, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Love this app - We've been using this app for about 4 months and we just decided to upgrade to the business plan. We've seen great ROI on this investment.


Nov 03, 2016  on Bigcommerce

SweetTooth - So Far so Good !


Nov 01, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Great thing to install - it was easy to install


Oct 29, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Points Make Rewards! - Great little app and so easy to set up following the videos provided.

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