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Develop by edesk.com
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Centralized AI Help Desk: Streamline eCommerce support with eDesk's powerful features.

About eDesk

Launched Sep 10, 2015


Built by edesk.com


eDesk is the customer service help desk software that unifies all your queries, orders and customer info into one single view.

eDesk: AI-Powered Help Desk

Smart, centralized eCommerce customer service

Consolidate customer queries and order details from all your sales channels into one simple dashboard. eDesk AI automatically classifies incoming messages based on message content, order status, and more, so you can easily prioritize and assign messages to your teammates.

All the information you need at your fingertips

eDesk integrates with all your marketplaces and sales channels, so you can have a complete view of your customers and their order details built into each message. Product, order details, delivery information, and previous communications are automatically attached to every incoming query.

AI-powered sentiment analysis and summaries

eDesk AI analyzes incoming messages, along with order details and other customer info, to determine customer sentiment (mood). Our interface also provides a snapshot of initial customer messages, as well as back-and-forth threads, to give you at-a-glance summaries of requests and interactions.

Advanced templates and ability to respond HandsFree

eDesk doesn't just offer a wide range of time-saving templates, our AI-powered help desk automatically suggests the right one based on the customer's message and info. You can even set up eDesk AI HandsFree to automatically respond to certain queries without you having to be present.

Top Helpful Reviews


May 11, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Very Disappointed - Salesman was great-Signed up right away, and then went downhill fast from there. Claims to have ETSY integration-It does NOT work-Customer Support is terrible-Account manger useless-Instead of customer support they send you emails of videos of how to do it yourself-The feedback tool is good, but edesk just isnt up to par with other companies out there.

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