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Confer With

Develop by
14 Days Free Trial

Connect shoppers with retail experts via live video for enhanced e-commerce experience.

About Confer With

Launched Oct 03, 2022


Built by


Confer With is a 1-2-1 live video shopping platform that connects retail staff to website shoppers for 20% Conversion.

About the App

Confer With is a live video shopping platform that with a click of a button connects your retail staff to website shoppers to give real-time advice just as they would in-store. Customers are guided across your product images, descriptions and videos in an immersive experience that connects directly to the checkout pages of your Big Commerce store.

What is Confer With?

Transform your e-commerce performance with Confer With, the industry standard for live 1-2-1 video shopping. We believe Live commerce is more than 2-way video, and with our solution you will achieve video call conversion rates beyond 29%, whilst reducing abandoned baskets by 32% and returns by 37%.

Confer With for Big Commerce

Confer With is a

fully configurable widget

that sits on the bottom right or left-hand side of your website, allowing on-site visitors to trigger a

one way or two-way video


with you or your retail experts. Confer With connects to your

product catalogue, inventory, and product assets such as images and videos

. Inside the video call, you

share your products

with customers, adding them to a

shared basket

when they are ready to buy. This basket can be pushed to your Big Commerce basket to boost conversions and average order value, in turn getting amazing customer satisfaction.

Boost Sales, Revenue and Customer Satisfaction using Confer With 1 to 1 live video shopping

Confer With ensures your customers' needs are met throughout their shopping journey. It allows your team to inspire, engage and reassure customers about their purchase decisions in real-time.

This is particularly helpful when selling considered purchases (

boosting conversion

) and when there's an opportunity to cross sell complimentary products (

boosting average order value



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