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SaleSmartly Chat

Develop by SaleSmartly
Free App

Enhance sales and consultations with AI chat and multi-channel support.

Multi-channel support
Abandoned cart reminders
Customer grouping
Ai-powered chat integration
Real-time translations
Automatic marketing slogans
Rich email templates

About SaleSmartly Chat

Built by SaleSmartly

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
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Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


Automatic ChatBot and Customer service

We provide enterprises with a convenient and intelligent customer service network strategy, supporting multiple social networks such as customer/independent station, Messenger, Instagram, Line, Tele, Slack, etc., to facilitate your communication and help improve the efficiency of crowdfunding!

SaleSmarty provides core services around the two demand scenarios of "consultation" and "sales":

Features for consultations:

  • Multiple chat entries in a single channel with real-time translations
  • Supports texts, pictures and video in online and offline replies
  • Supports contacts, tracking and AI for automatic replies

Features for sales:

  • Automatic and customizeable marketing slogans
  • Multiple channels for chats: Facebook Messenger, Line, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, Email, etc.
  • Automatic recall for abandoned shopping carts
  • Manage customers in groups
  • Rich marketing email templates


  • Supports multiple social networks and communication channels, such as Messenger, Instagram, Line, Telegram, and Slack, enhancing accessibility.
  • Includes real-time translations, which is beneficial for global businesses and diverse customer bases.
  • Facilitates efficient customer service and consultation with features like AI-based automatic replies and multiple chat entry points.
  • Enhances sales processes with features like customizable marketing slogans and automatic cart recall.
  • Allows management of customers in groups and offers rich marketing email templates, improving targeted marketing strategies.
  • Supports communication through texts, pictures, and video, providing flexibility in customer interactions.


  • May require steep learning curve for businesses not familiar with AI-driven platforms.
  • Dependence on AI for customer interactions might occasionally lack the personal touch some customers prefer.
  • Integration with multiple social networks could lead to complexity in managing the system for less tech-savvy users.
  • Possibly high costs associated with implementing and maintaining such a comprehensive system.

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