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Develop by eSwap
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Streamline inventory and orders with eSwap's comprehensive management tools.

Order management system
Inventory management tools
Real-time data insights
Automatic catalog uploading
Multichannel sales tracking
Offline ordering option
Centralized customer contacts
User permissions control
Custom b2b store

About eSwap

Built by eSwap

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
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Boost your sales with Multichannel inventory & order management app for SMEs

Automate and streamline inventory and order processes across the globe

Inventory management software- Connect eSwap and manage your inventory with automated tools. Make wiser buying decisions with real-time updated data, accurate insights and reports. Create and manage new product catalogs with automatic uploading.

Order management software-Grow your business and easily manage your orders across different sales channels. Get orders, create shipping labels, print and send invoices and ship them to your customers. One of the smartest things is the option to create offline ordering.

Back-end Activities-With eSwap it is not only easy to manage your inventory and orders but also to bring all your customers’ contacts in one dashboard. Give special permissions to your users to manage the accounts.

B2B platform-eSwap’s B2B platform is a great way to create and manage your custom store with your private URL. Get the ability to offer special products with special terms to your customers and start selling in a more flexible way.


  • Comprehensive inventory management tools streamline processes.
  • Automated tools for managing inventory, which can save time and reduce human error.
  • Real-time data and insights help in making intelligent buying decisions.
  • Ability to create new product catalogs with automatic uploads simplifies product management.
  • Efficient order management across multiple sales channels supports business growth.
  • Features like creating shipping labels, printing invoices, and easy shipment improve logistical operations.
  • Offline ordering capability provides flexibility in order management.
  • Centralized dashboard for managing customer contacts enhances customer relationship management.
  • User permissions offer secure and customizable access control.
  • B2B platform supports creating a custom store with a private URL, offering exclusive products and terms.


  • Potential complexity for small businesses due to comprehensive feature set.
  • New users may face a learning curve adapting to the software's functionality.
  • Initial setup might be time-consuming due to the need to integrate different sales channels.
  • Some features may require user training for efficient utilization.

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