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Product Page Tabs by IntuitSolutions

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Customize Product Pages with organized, interactive tabs for enhanced user experience.

About Product Page Tabs by IntuitSolutions

Launched May 09, 2018


Built by intuitsolutions.net


Create custom tabs on your Product Pages, organizing information into readable sections

Create tabs on your Product Pages, organizing Product information into more readable sections. This highly customized add-on lets you choose the number of tabs and easily fill in and edit the relevant information. In addition to plain text, you can include charts, tables, videos, and more.

Work with an expert to identify which tabs will improve your customer's experience the most. Your developer will then modify your Product Description framework so that you can easily input the relevant information, all from the standard BigCommerce Product admin panel.




The price for this add-on is highly dependent on the specific client requirements. Please contact us to review your requirements, and make sure that this is a good fit for your BigCommerce site!

Have questions or need something similar? Contact Us: IntuitSolutions.net | 866.843.4650

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