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Conditional Product Options by PapaThemes logo

Conditional Product Options by PapaThemes

Develop by papathemes.com
7 Days Free Trial

Show or hide product options based on user choices seamlessly.

About Conditional Product Options by PapaThemes

Launched Jun 25, 2021


Introduction Video


This app allows to show or hide the options based on the user's choice of some other options.

This app allows to show or hide the options based on the user's choice of some other options, creating a curated step-by-step experience for users.

Create unlimited conditions for a specific product, a group of products, or for all products. Works with the native BigCommerce product options and product modifiers. You don't have to add more options, just set up the conditions to show or hide the dependent options based on the choice of other options from the app's visual user interface.

It's also easy to select products and the corresponding product options with the auto-suggested input boxes. The product options on the product page will be applied automatically and work immediately on the storefront after adding the product option condition. No extra action is needed.

This app works with Stencil-based themes; one-click install. Does not require editing theme files or manually adding custom scripts, neither does it require any extra setup. No coding skill is required.

Top Helpful Reviews


Jul 22, 2024  on Bigcommerce

service - the app used to be great, but it seems it doesn't work anymore for new products. contacted them before but it doesn't seem to get real solutions. hope this will get your attention. the review will be taken off as soon as you fix your issues and we will keep using your apps, since we use all 3 at the moment


Jul 21, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Lifesaver for our engraveable products - We sell engraveable products. We moved from another cart that had built in conditional options and did not know how we could function without them on BC. So grateful we found this app, and that it works. (We did have an initial glitch before we figured out that another app was interfering with this one.) Smooth sailing as we've been live for several weeks now.

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