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Wix Table Reservations

Develop by Wix
Free App

"Seamlessly manage 24/7 restaurant reservations with Wix Table Reservations app."

Email notifications
Sms notifications
Mobile app access
Online reservations
Phone reservations
Table inventory management
Overbooking prevention
70 Reviews

About Wix Table Reservations


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Take reservations 24/7 directly from your site

  • Take online and phone reservation 24/7
  • Manage your tables inventory and prevent overbooking
  • Send email and sms notification to prevent no shows
  • Manage reservations on the go with the Wix mobile app
Wix Table Reservations lets you manage your restaurant tables and gives your customers the convenience of booking a table on your site, 24/7.


  • 24/7 availability for both online and phone reservations, offering flexibility for customers
  • Efficient management of table inventory helps prevent overbooking and maximize seating capacity
  • Automated email and SMS notifications reduce no-shows by reminding customers of their reservations
  • Mobile app functionality allows restaurant staff to manage reservations on the go, enhancing convenience


  • Potential dependence on a stable internet connection for app functionality, which can be a drawback in areas with unreliable connectivity
  • Learning curve for restaurant staff who are not familiar with digital reservation systems
  • Could potentially incur costs associated with SMS notifications, depending on provider agreements
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