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Google Sheets Table logo

Google Sheets Table

Develop by MarketPushApps


/ Month

Seamlessly integrate and customize Google Sheets on your website.

Seamless integration
Design customization
Search functionality
Search analytics
Template selection
Dynamic updates
54 Reviews

About Google Sheets Table

Built by MarketPushApps

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Add a Google Sheet to your site

  • Add a Google Sheet on your site with just a few clicks. Automatically update table with any new changes in your spreadsheet.
  • Choose from a variety of display templates and quickly find the right format for your site.
  • Customize styling, layouts, colors and more to match your website design.
  • Give your users the ability to find what they need by enabling the search feature. Get access to search analytics & improve your services.
It's never been easier to add a Google Sheet table on your site. The Google Sheets Table app enables you to share a spreadsheet with the app and display it as a table on your site within seconds.

To get started, you'll need to share your Google Sheet with our email address and add it to the app. From there on, any new changes in your Google Sheet will be reflected in your site table.

You are able to select the table structure from a predefined set of templates and customize the table design in depth so that it matches your site.

By enabling the search functionality, your visitors will be able to easily find entries in the table. Also, you'll get extensive stats on the search terms used by your users.


  • Easy integration of Google Sheets onto a website with minimal effort
  • Automatic updates ensure that table data reflects any changes made in the Google Sheet
  • Variety of display templates available to match different site requirements and aesthetics
  • Extensive customization options for styling, layouts, colors, and more, allowing the table to blend seamlessly with website design
  • Built-in search functionality to improve user experience by helping visitors find relevant data in the table
  • Access to search analytics offers valuable insights into user behavior and can inform service improvements


  • Requires sharing Google Sheets with the app, which may raise privacy or security concerns for sensitive data
  • Potential limitations on template options or customization features might not satisfy all design requirements
  • Depends on Google's reliability and uptime, as issues with Google Sheets can affect the functionality of the embedded table
  • Setup may require technical understanding, particularly for those unfamiliar with embedding apps on websites

Top Helpful Reviews


Feb 08, 2025  on Wix

Like it. Not mobile freindly. Really like how this looks on a desktop. In Mobile it's pretty bad. Any updates or tips to make this work on mobile?


Sep 23, 2024  on Wix

Really good! (but a few features missing)This App is great for implementing Google Sheets to your website! It misses the feature to add more columns to a table further than "z" (like AA, AB, etc.) and the feature to only...


May 03, 2024  on Wix

La peor mierda que he probado en mi humilde vidaEsta increible mierda es tan grande como Silvia. Me cago en la madre que creo esta aplicacion y ojala se muera toda su familia, putos main edgars. jou kanker moeder heeft zo veel...


Jan 20, 2024  on Wix

Все гуд, головне вірно оформіть таблицюВсе гуд, головне вірно оформіть таблицю, удачі!

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