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FAQ by Smartarget: Alternatives & Competitors

Develop by Smartarget


/ Month
Free plan available

"Boost trust and sales with customizable, no-code FAQ integration."

No-code implementation
Desktop and mobile optimized
Customizable faq integration
Reduces support requests

Top 1 Alternatives to FAQ by Smartarget - Suggested by Taranker

Wix FAQ logo

1. Wix FAQ

Develop by Wix
Free App

"Streamline info with dynamic, customizable FAQs to enhance visitor engagement."

Customizable faqs
Ai-generated q&a
Media-enhanced questions
1,089 Reviews
Wix FAQ is a robust app designed to enhance user experience on your website by streamlining the way visitors access information. It allows you to create a professional and customized FAQ section, where helpful Q&As are organized into categories for easy navigation. The app offers a range of customization options, enabling you to keep your FAQs aligned with your brand through various layouts, fonts, and design elements. One of its standout features is the integration of AI, which saves time by automatically generating questions and answers. To boost engagement, you can enrich your FAQs with media like images, videos, and social media posts. By simplifying the process of finding answers to common queries, Wix FAQ improves customer satisfaction and reduces the workload on your support team, ultimately saving time and costs.
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