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Customer reviews: FAQ by Smartarget

Develop by Smartarget
<h3>What Merchants Think</h3> <p>Merchants generally have a positive impression of the "FAQ by Smartarget" app. They appreciate its ease of use and how seamlessly it integrates into their websites. The app's ability to facilitate a quick setup and updates is also favorably mentioned by users.</p> <h3>Key Strengths</h3> <ul> <li>Easy to use and set up on websites</li> <li>Seamless integration as a footer pop-up</li> <li>Quick and straightforward updates</li> <li>Overall positive user experience</li> </ul> <h3>Common Concerns</h3> <ul> <li>No significant concerns were mentioned in the reviews provided</li> </ul> <h3>Final Thoughts</h3> <p>The "FAQ by Smartarget" app is well-received by merchants for its user-friendly design and efficient functionality. While specific concerns are not highlighted in the reviews, the consistent praise suggests it is a valuable tool for businesses requiring a reliable FAQ solution on their websites.</p>

Reviews (122)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally have a positive impression of the "FAQ by Smartarget" app. They appreciate its ease of use and how seamlessly it integrates into their websites. The app's ability to facilitate a quick setup and updates is also favorably mentioned by users.

Key Strengths

  • Easy to use and set up on websites
  • Seamless integration as a footer pop-up
  • Quick and straightforward updates
  • Overall positive user experience

Common Concerns

  • No significant concerns were mentioned in the reviews provided

Final Thoughts

The "FAQ by Smartarget" app is well-received by merchants for its user-friendly design and efficient functionality. While specific concerns are not highlighted in the reviews, the consistent praise suggests it is a valuable tool for businesses requiring a reliable FAQ solution on their websites.


Mar 06, 2025  on Wix

SCAMSo it was obvious—if you don’t pay or just deactivate it, then it will disappear. But no, the scammer shows it on other pages, while on the first page, it does disappear. Be...


Feb 25, 2025  on Wix

Holding other pages hostage for purchasing the app serviceThe FAQ is good but it holds the other pages hostage if you don't paid for the service. I do not like when on my other pages it has an icon informing...


Feb 19, 2025  on Wix

So far so goodSuper easy to use. Took me less than 10 minutes to put in all of my FAQs, and I love the look!


Nov 04, 2024  on Wix

Very good so farI just added this to my website. It was very easy. I really like that it just pops up on the footer. It's very easy to update.

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