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Social Login

Develop by Hexgator


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Effortless social login: single-click access, customizable design, user insights.

Customizable design
Simple installation
User insights
Multiple identities
2 Reviews

About Social Login


Built by Hexgator

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
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  • Sponsored

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Increase customer registration by letting them register with their social account in just one click

Make customer login easier and faster with Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Amazon and VKontakte

Nowadays almost everybody is on a social platform like Facebook, Twitter, etc. With the number of sites requiring registrations increasing day by day, customers now hate creating accounts and remember passwords.

This is one of the main reasons why a potential customer does not sign up for an account.This is even more impactful with the exponential growth of mobile phone usage, where due to small keyboard size, filling out the form or email/password is a pain. Customers would prefer to simply tap once to login. If a customer leaves your store without leaving their email, they are lost forever and there’s no way to contact them again.

Social Login helps you get your customer information quickly by providing your customers with a single click login option.


  • Simple installation. Just install the app and it’s ready to use
  • Customizable look and feel to fit your design perfectly
  • Custom configuration of Social Login platforms

Supported Platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Amazon
  • VKontakte

One click installation:
Just install and it’s ready to use. Absolutely no need for any configuration.

Customized Design:
We understand that every store has a unique design, thus we provided you with the ability to customize the social button so that it matches your store perfectly. You can change the button design, convert them to icons, change or translate the text etc. For advanced design, you can use custom CSS as well.

Multiple Identities:
Customers can login with any of their preferred social platforms and access their account.

User Insights:
Collect user data from anyone who uses Social Login and know more about them.

If you use WordPress
This app is not compatible with WordPress websites and Ecwid plugin. Please use native WordPress plugins to have a social login in your store and website.


  • Effortless single-click login increases user convenience.
  • Customizable design allows integration with any store theme.
  • Supports multiple major social platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
  • Simple one-click installation with no need for configuration.
  • Gathers valuable user insights for better customer understanding.


  • Not compatible with WordPress websites and Ecwid plugin.
  • Relies on the availability and stability of third-party social platforms.
  • Potential privacy concerns over data collection and sharing.

Rating and Reviews

Danny U.

Oct 31, 2022  on Ecwid

Works great and is easy to install. Brings a sense of validity to the site. nwww.33cbdsupply.com


Sep 01, 2021  on Ecwid


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