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Manage inventory with Google Sheets via Zapier logo

Manage inventory with Google Sheets via Zapier

Develop by Lightspeed
Free App

"Automate inventory management by syncing Google Sheets via Zapier."

Google sheets integration
Automate inventory sync
Trigger-based updates

About Manage inventory with Google Sheets via Zapier

Built by Lightspeed

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Keep your inventory up to date with Google Sheets.

Track your store’s inventory with Google Sheets

Spreadsheets are often used for keeping track of the store’s inventory. To automate that process, connect your online store to Google Sheets and get products’ data synced automatically.

How to connect Google Sheets

Google Sheets can be connected to Ecwid by Lightspeed through Zapier — an online tool that helps connect different apps and services. The integration is created with the help of integrations tasks — Zaps — where you choose which action should happen in one service when a trigger event occurs in the other one. For example, you can set up a Zap that will automatically update products in your store once a change is made in Google Sheets.

Detailed instructions on connecting Google Sheets


  • Automates inventory management, reducing manual entry and errors.
  • Easy integration with Google Sheets via Zapier enhances accessibility.
  • Streamlines the process by syncing real-time data between store and spreadsheet.
  • Customizable Zaps allow flexibility in how and when data is synced.
  • No need for technical skills as Zapier provides a user-friendly interface.


  • Relies on third-party service Zapier, which may introduce additional points of failure.
  • Potential costs associated with using Zapier depending on usage levels.
  • Requires initial setup of Zaps which might be complex for beginners.
  • Limited to capabilities of Google Sheets and Zapier without advanced features.
  • Dependency on internet connectivity for real-time sync might be a drawback.

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