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Kangaroo Loyalty Rewards

Free App

Boost sales and retention with customized digital loyalty rewards.

Vip tiers
Targeted marketing
Omnichannel solutions
Customized rewards
Behavior monitoring
Customer data ownership

About Kangaroo Loyalty Rewards

Built by Kangaroo Rewards

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


More Than Loyalty.

Kangaroo is a globally recognized rewards platform to help build brand loyalty.

Kangaroo is a digital loyalty platform to increase sales, drive traffic, and boost retention. Your Kangaroo loyalty program can be fully customized to engage customers with personalized offers and rewards, targeted marketing & segmentation, referrals, VIP tiers, and omnichannel solutions. Monitor and adjust your program based on customer behavior and trends so you can own your customer data.


  • Fully customizable rewards program allowing businesses to tailor offers to their customer base.
  • Enables targeted marketing and customer segmentation for more effective outreach.
  • Incorporates a variety of customer engagement features like referrals and VIP tiers.
  • Supports omnichannel solutions, ensuring a seamless experience across platforms.
  • Allows businesses to monitor and adjust programs based on customer behavior, improving strategy over time.
  • Helps businesses own and utilize their customer data for informed decision-making.
  • Customizable loyalty programs to suit business needs.
  • Personalized offers and rewards to engage customers effectively.
  • Targeted marketing and segmentation enhance customer interaction.
  • Increases sales, drives traffic, and boosts customer retention.
  • Supports omnichannel solutions for seamless customer experience.
  • Ability to monitor and adjust programs based on customer behavior and trends.
  • Helps businesses own and manage their customer data.


  • Customization and setup might be complex for small businesses without dedicated marketing support.
  • Potential for over-reliance on digital only platforms, which may not cater to all customer preferences.
  • Businesses must effectively manage and analyze customer data, which could strain resources if not prepared.
  • Complexity in setting up and managing customized programs for small businesses.
  • Potential high costs associated with comprehensive features.
  • May require significant time investment to fully utilize all features.
  • Possible dependency on the app for customer data management.

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