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Hide Variations

Free App

Automatically hide out-of-stock product variants from your webshop.

Hide out-of-stock
Variant highlighting
Stock level settings
3 Reviews

About Hide Variations

Built by Monkey Ventures

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Automatically hide your product variations as soon as they are out of stock.

The Hide Variations App ensures that variants with a certain stock value are hidden, or highlighted with gray.

Hide Variations is an App that does exactly what the name already reveals. When a variant of a product is no longer in stock, it will no longer be shown in your webshop. The Hide Variations App ensures that variants with a certain stock value are hidden, or highlighted with gray.

The Hide Variations application can be used in a basic version or in a Pro version.

In the Basic version it is possible to set that variations should be hidden when the stock is lower than 0 or lower than the minimum stock.

In the Pro version it is possible to set that variations should be hidden or deactivated (grey) when the stock is lower than 0 or lower than the minimum stock. You can also indicate whether this should be done for all products in the shop or only for certain categories.

How does Hide Variations work?

In the App you select whether product variants that are not in stock (or have reached a certain stock level) should no longer be shown at all, or should be marked as gray. The app is designed to hide a product option only when it cannot be ordered in any way (in any combination with other options). Within a few minutes, the changes are visible in your webshop.

Additional information

It may take a few minutes for your product variants to be updated in your webshop.


The costs of this application are from € 1 per month after a trial period of 14 days. The cost of the application is based on the number of SKU available in your webshop and the version you are using.
The following graduated scales are used for the Basic version and added to the basic price of € 1:
0 - 10 SKU: Free
11 - 100 SKU: €1.25 per month
101 - 250 SKU: €1.50 per month
251 - 1000 SKU: €3.75 per month
1001 - 2500 SKU: €6.25 per month
unlimited: € 6.75 per month

The following graduated scales are used for the Pro version and added to the basic price of € 1,50:
0 - 10 SKU: Free
11 - 100 SKU: €1.25 per month
101 - 250 SKU: €1.50 per month
251 - 1000 SKU: €3.75 per month
1001 - 2500 SKU: €6.25 per month
unlimited: € 6.75 per month


  • Automatically hides or greys out out-of-stock product variants, improving customer experience by showing only available options.
  • Offers both a Basic and a Pro version, allowing users to choose based on their specific needs and budget.
  • Customizable settings in the Pro version, allowing for selective hiding/deactivating across different product categories.
  • Affordable pricing starting from €1 per month, with a free tier for very small webshops (up to 10 SKUs).
  • Updates are reflected within minutes, ensuring the webshop inventory is always accurate and up-to-date.
  • Trial period of 14 days provides users the opportunity to test the app before committing to a purchase.


  • The process of updating product variants can take a few minutes, which might delay visibility of recent stock changes.
  • Pricing can increase significantly for larger shops with more SKUs, potentially affecting profitability.
  • The basic version may not provide enough functionality for all users, potentially requiring an upgrade to the Pro version.

Top Helpful Reviews

Steve S.

Jul 29, 2024  on Ecwid

Useless.... Seemed to work on the first day, and then failed to show products that had come back in stock, no idea how many sales were missed

Chris V.

Jan 12, 2024  on Ecwid

It worked great for us for 6 months. But one day the variation dropdown menu on our webstore disappeared from iOS mobile devices. Cost us a lot of business. It was this app. Uninstalled and everything worked again. Hope this is a temporary/fixable bug bc the app was very helpful and I'm willing to give it another try in the future.nnChris @ Fatty Zone

Mobile S.

Oct 12, 2023  on Ecwid

App commemt -> Great concept. A very much needed solution for Ecwid store owners. (I'm very surprised Ecwid haven't built this app capability into their paid plans for all store owners to use and that we have to pay extra for this).nApp review -> I still tried to install and use this app but it hid ALL variations (including "in stock" items) for all products, so unfortunately this app doesn't work properly as at the date of this review

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