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Google Tag Manager logo

Google Tag Manager

Develop by Ecwid
Free plan available

Easily manage website tags without altering the source code.

Performance monitoring
Event tracking
Tag management
Scroll tracking
Form monitoring
5 Reviews

About Google Tag Manager

Built by Ecwid

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Track conversion, analytics, remarketing, and other visitor activity

Add and update your own tags to monitor your online store’s performance

Google Tag Manager is a free tool that simplifies the process of tag managing. With Google Tag Manager, you can add, edit, and disable tags without touching the source code of your site. Google Tag Manager can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including scroll tracking, form submission monitoring, surveys, and remarketing. Tags can be used for whatever specific events you’d like to track, be it file downloads, clicks on certain links, or item removal from the shopping cart. It’s all up to you!


  • Simplifies tag management process without altering site code.
  • Free to use, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
  • Allows for extensive tracking capabilities, like scroll tracking and form submission monitoring.
  • Enables easy updates and modifications to tags, reducing dependency on developers.
  • Supports a variety of tracking purposes, including surveys and remarketing.
  • Customizable to track a wide range of events, such as file downloads and link clicks.


  • May have a learning curve for beginners who are not familiar with tag management.
  • Complex setups might require some technical understanding or training.
  • User interface can be overwhelming for those not experienced with digital marketing tools.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting tags can sometimes be challenging without proper knowledge.

Top Helpful Reviews

Demetri D.

Dec 11, 2023  on Ecwid

I've always struggled with this sort of thing and have still probably done it correctly, either by nA. logging every visit as many times they change page, click the mouse, or breathe; ornB. not logging anything at all.nnHowever, this Google Tag Manager seems to give me more confidence that I have nC. correctly set it up to find some useful information. nnFingers are crossed!

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