v2 to v3 Migration by Folio3 logo

v2 to v3 Migration by Folio3

Develop by folio3.com
Free App

Effortlessly upgrade BigCommerce with Folio3's seamless v2 to v3 Migration.

About v2 to v3 Migration by Folio3


Upgrade your BigCommerce store to v3 with Folio3's migration app! Enhance your catalog with an improved v3 product experience!

Transform your BigCommerce experience effortlessly with our 'v2 to v3 Migration app by Folio3'. Enjoy upgraded features like optimized multi-channel sales and streamlined product management. Don't miss out—sign up today for exclusive early access and a smooth, hassle-free v3 transition.

By staying on v2, your store misses out on key benefits. v3 offers seamless omnichannel sales, improved API accessibility for easy app integration, SKU-level attributes for better product organization and more efficient management of options and variants. Upgrade to v3 to access these advanced features and enhance your store's capabilities.

Upgrading from v2 to v3 can be complex and time-consuming, especially for large catalogs with many options and rules. Folio3's v2 to v3 Migration service simplifies this process by making the migration seamless, making it easier to update product catalogs efficiently.

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