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Save for Later by IntuitSolutions

Free App

"Enhance shopping with convenient 'Save for Later' feature."

Save items
Future purchases
Dedicated section

About Save for Later by IntuitSolutions

Launched Oct 07, 2024


Built by intuitsolutions.net


Enhance the user experience by enabling customers to save items for future purchases directly from the shopping cart.

Give Your Shoppers a Curated, Convenient User Experience

Elevate your store's user experience with the familiar "Save for Later" feature, a staple of top ecommerce platforms. This functionality empowers shoppers to easily set aside items for future purchases, giving them the flexibility to shop at their own pace.

With just a click, products are saved to a dedicated section on the cart page or wish list, allowing customers to return and complete their purchase whenever they're ready. Perfect for stores with extensive catalogs or frequent repeat buyers, this feature helps increase convenience, engagement, and long-term customer satisfaction.

Have questions or need something similar? Contact Us: IntuitSolutions.net | 866.843.4650IntuitSolutions.net | 866.843.4650


  • Enhances user experience by allowing shoppers to save items for future purchases, increasing convenience.
  • Empowers customers to shop at their own pace with a familiar 'Save for Later' feature.
  • Helps with customer engagement and long-term satisfaction by providing a seamless shopping experience.
  • Ideal for stores with extensive catalogs and frequent repeat buyers, thereby potentially increasing sales.
  • Integrates easily with ecommerce platforms, resembling features on top sites, which users might be already familiar with.


  • Potential complexity in integration might require technical support or assistance.
  • Users might encounter bugs or issues with the data being accurately saved between sessions.
  • Could lead to abandoned or postponed purchases if items are only being saved and not revisited.

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