Streamline BigCommerce data to HubSpot with seamless integration and automation.
Connect BigCommerce stores with HubSpot CRM & marketing...
Gather all your store data in one place! Connect your store using this BigCommerce HubSpot integration and start managing your product data, customer data, and orders in CRM.
Introduce better management through automation and decision-making using collective data segmented by properties and grouped by lists in HubSpot.
You can have up to 1000 properties per object.
Here's more! Apart from data synchronization under lists, groups & properties, this HubSpot BigCommerce connector has to offer:
If you want to connect multiple BigCommerce stores with HubSpot, contact our team at MakeWebBetter to request customization.
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Integrate BigCommerce with Salesforce for seamless business...
Automate ecommerce tasks and sync data seamlessly with QuickBooks...
Connect and automate multi-channel sales across 11 marketplaces...
"Real-time CRM sync for orders, customers, and products...