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Happy Returns

Develop by Preferred

Simplify returns with 4,000+ locations for easy, immediate refunds.

About Happy Returns

Introduction Video


Happy Returns’ software and reverse logistics make returns beautiful for merchants, shoppers, and the planet.

Happy Returns by PayPal is a leading software and reverse logistics company that delivers the industry's only comprehensive returns solution. Its Return Bar network of 4,000+ locations allows shoppers to easily return or exchange without printing or packaging and receive refunds immediately.

Automate returns & exchanges

Automate returns and exchanges via a branded returns portal that's free to merchants using PayPal Checkout. Customize return reasons and refund methods and apply policy rules automatically. PayPal Checkout fees still apply.

Convert refunds into exchanges

Recommend exchanges based on shopper return reason and available inventory. Returns are recorded directly in simple, clean transactions.

Streamline international returns

Standardized international returns experience with language localization, flexible shipping options, and a consistent experience that benefits both shoppers and customer service teams.

Reduce returns shipping costs

Connect to your carrier to generate shipping labels or use our low rates for additional savings. Upgrade to box-free return drop off at our expansive network of Return Bars across the U.S. for an additional fee.

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