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Frate Returns

Develop by frate.co
15 Days Free Trial

Automate and optimize returns, reducing costs and enhancing customer experience.

1 Reviews

About Frate Returns

Launched Mar 13, 2023


Introduction Video


Automated Returns Management Software that decreases the amount of items sent to your profit-draining return centre.

Designed for BigCommerce stores of any size, we automate your returns process with a focus of reducing your shipping, warehousing, and customer service costs - while still improving your customer experience.

Our mission is to decrease the amount of returns sent to your cost-sucking warehouse. The condition of the item is assessed


the label is sent, then a decision is made for where that item should go:

We work with you on perfecting the most cost-effective way of dealing with returns, so they don't suck.

Access exclusive Frate features:

And everything you need for a hands-off returns process:

Top Helpful Reviews


Jul 05, 2023  on Bigcommerce

43% Reduction in return rate! - Doreen here, COO of BurjuShoes.com...My problems:-22% return rate.-60% of our returns were not in brand new condition and could not be re-sold again at full price.-30% of our returns were failing at Happy Returns and needed to be done manually by our agents.-40% of our returns incurred higher handling costs at 3PL due to shipments being received without documentation.The solution:-Frate.coThe Results:-43% decrease in return rate-100% of returned items can be put back on the shelf for full price re-sale thanks to Frate’s image verification.-100% decrease in failed returns-100% drop in 3PL additional processing costs due to failure of Happy ReturnsFrate’s image verification is a game changer in the industry! The upload process is easy and seamless so there is no customer friction. The simple ability to approve or deny returns has been invaluable! When we do deny, we offer customers the ability to sell on our resale site so we are actually increasing revenue.With Frate’s dedication to ensuring a smooth return process for both the customer and service agents we have been able to increase customer and agent satisfaction. And with the time saved in processing returns our agents can now focus on on-site selling.Working with Frate has been a dream. We always strive to create mutually beneficial partnerships and Frate exceeds that expectation by far. They are flexible, look for and implement feedback quickly and are always determined to understand our specific business needs.Implementation was quick and without issue and ongoing support is truly unsurpassed in my experience.The numbers speak for themselves! I would recommend Frate for that reason alone, but tie in their dedication to their customers and it is a no brainer to work with them.

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