Extend Commerce - B2B & Wholesale (Beta) logo

Extend Commerce - B2B & Wholesale (Beta)

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Streamline B2B operations on BigCommerce with user control and customization.

About Extend Commerce - B2B & Wholesale (Beta)

Launched Jun 05, 2024


Built by extendcommerce.com


Enhance B2B Commerce: Create and manage companies, roles and permissions assignments, cart sharing, order approvals, control purchase limits

Extend Commerce - B2B and Wholesale is an essential app for businesses on the BigCommerce platform, designed to streamline and enhance B2B and wholesale operations. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, including the ability to create and manage multiple companies with separate dashboards for user activities. The app's Roles and Permissions feature ensures precise control over user access, allowing businesses to tailor permissions to specific employee roles. Additionally, the Appearance Setting feature enables theme customization, ensuring consistent branding and an attractive interface for B2B customers.

Key functionalities like the Product Table, which centralizes product catalog management, and Purchase Limit, which sets user-specific purchase limits, help businesses manage their operations effectively. The Share and Request Cart feature further facilitates a controlled checkout process by allowing employees to share their carts for review and request approval before finalizing purchases. Overall, Extend Commerce - B2B and Wholesale provides powerful tools to optimize B2B operations, enhancing efficiency and control over users, products, and purchases.

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