Digital Content Sales by FlickRocket logo

Digital Content Sales by FlickRocket

14 Days Free Trial

Securely sell DRM-protected digital content from your BigCommerce store.

Seamless integration
Secure content sales
Cross-platform access
Effective drm protection
Flexible usage licenses
4 Reviews

About Digital Content Sales by FlickRocket

Launched Oct 22, 2016


Built by flickrocket.com

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Sell DRM protected digital content like Video, Audio, PDF, ePub, HTML for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Kindle, ChromeOS, SmartTV and more.

Sell DRM protected digital content directly from your BigCommerce store.

All Content

This plugin allows you to sell virtually every digital content in a secure DRM protected way.

Supported content types include:

All Platforms

Enable use of rented or purchased content on any supported device or platform.

Maintain control about license and prevent illegal distribution.

Effective DRM

The included DRM efficiently protects your valuable content and enforces the usage rules you define.

Each piece of content can have an individual usage license cryptographically bound to the end customer's account hardware.

While transparent during regular use, it allows you to limit or allow very flexible use cases including rentals, multi-device policy, burn permissions, copy and export permissions, digital and analog output restrictions, and much more.

Seamless Integration

The plugin and underlying backend seamlessly integrate with your BigCommerce frontend and enables you to offer a smooth and polished customer experience.

Backend integration is super simple and all sophisticated transcoding, DRM, CDN and delivery is done automatically in the background.

Benefit from FlickRocket's 10+ years experience as leading secure digital content distribution solution.

Additional help

For a guide and additional information see:



  • Securely sell DRM-protected digital content, ensuring that valuable content is protected against unauthorized access or distribution.
  • Supports a wide range of digital content types, allowing flexibility in the kinds of media that can be sold.
  • Cross-platform compatibility enables customers to use purchased content on multiple supported devices, increasing user satisfaction.
  • Robust DRM system that allows for flexible usage rules, including rentals, multi-device use, burn permissions, and more.
  • Seamless integration with BigCommerce frontends provides a smooth customer experience, enhancing overall usability.
  • Automatic backend operations such as transcoding, DRM management, CDN, and content delivery simplify the setup and maintenance process for store owners.
  • Benefit from the extensive experience of FlickRocket in secure digital content distribution, potentially increasing trust and reliability.


  • The use of DRM can be restrictive for users and may not be welcomed by all customers, potentially affecting customer satisfaction.
  • Configuring and managing DRM settings can be complex, requiring store owners to have a good understanding of digital rights management.
  • Limited customer control over purchased content could lead to negative feedback from those wanting more flexibility or ownership.
  • Integration, while seamless, still requires some setup and understanding of both BigCommerce and the FlickRocket system.

Top Helpful Reviews


Sep 21, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Does what it says for a VERY reasonable rate - We've been using FlickRocket for almost a year now, and while the interface does have a learning curve, it does provide everything it promises at a price that no other service even comes close to. The staff are always available when I've had questions, and very attentive and responsive. I highly recommend FlickRocket!


Jan 01, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Flickrocket works well - We have been using Flickrocket for about a year now with no problems. Our offerings are smaller - about 6 audio books and 25 eBooks - and this has been an easy-to-install option in our BigCommerce storefront to provide DRM for our electronic products. The setup process for each product is fairly intuitive, although Support is there to give you a hand if needed. We use the 3rd party plugin feature (our storefront) as our sales platform, but you can also set up your products through a free in-house storefront layout, or you can install it to your own website through iFrames. The thing I really appreciate is that they have their own Player which is free to the customer to access audio or eBooks through their own device. This was appreciated by our customers who do not wish to pay a monthly fee for accounts like Audible. You can customize the customer's purchase confirmation notification email and you can also integrate with social media. There are lots of customization features in this platform, and you can manage the DRM settings on your product to create trials, multiple downloads, sharing, restrictions, and much more. The pricing structure for the plans seemed slightly complicated to me, but I recommend you use the website pricing calculator on their homepage to run scenarios of what you will be selling. Basically, the more products you offer and the more of them you sell, then the more fees you will pay monthly. But we were able to take advantage of the minimum free product limits in the "Basic Plan". Ron Dabbs has been a great support person at Flickrocket and goes the extra mile with any issues or questions that come up - very responsive (fast) and high communication skills.Overall, this was a very good system for us to get started with as a small company, but it has the capability to scale up or down as we need it. Once we were up and running we have had no problems whatsoever. We're very happy with everything.


Oct 24, 2020  on Bigcommerce

MY EXPERIENCE USING FLICKROCKET FOR SELLING PROTECTED DIGITAL CONTENT - Flickrocket is the only reasonably priced e-commerce platform I've found for selling protected digital content. My clients sell digital training seminars and needed a way of preventing illegal sharing of content. They had been selling CD's and getting killed by their users making copies and giving them away to colleagues. After spending a month looking around and testing different platforms I realized that most services say they offer secure delivery of digital content but few actually keep their promise. Those who do were mainly the heavy-hitters who take 30% to 60% of the product revenue. Flickrocket's pricing models, DRM technology, and steadfast product support were a no-brainer for us.Their DRM technology is well thought-out, rock-solid, flexible, feature-rich and just works. After weeks of beta testing, my clients were convinced their must-have requirements for digital content copy & sharing protection were completely satisfied.Flickrocket actually does listen to their customers too. They quickly implemented a few suggestions I had for improvements/fixes - amazing! I have received only stellar, responsive, accurate technical support from the Flickrocket folks. That is pretty rare these days. Contrast this with the likes of Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft - I know from experience just how much attention and concern those guys would have shown us. Their staff was extremely helpful and a big reason we were able to make our aggressive go-live dates, even providing us with help during off-hours as well. We absolutely could not have made our dates without their support. I particularly appreciate the broad and deep knowledge of the Flickrocket platform they demonstrated and their tireless willingness to go above and beyond to help make our project a success. We are completely sold on the fast, accurate, detailed guidance we've received and unflagging commitment to quickly getting us up and running. Jeff Reyer - Design By JeffReyer.comhttp://jeffreyer.com


Jan 19, 2019  on Bigcommerce

Not Impressed - This app made me create another shop on their website rather than just launch the app on my site and is now uploading my test file to that site and NOT my Big Commerce site...not very intuitive, not user friendly.....

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