Securely sell DRM-protected digital content from your BigCommerce store. Show more
Sell DRM protected digital content directly from your BigCommerce store.
All Content
This plugin allows you to sell virtually every digital content in a secure DRM protected way.
Supported content types include:
All Platforms
Enable use of rented or purchased content on any supported device or platform.
Maintain control about license and prevent illegal distribution.
Effective DRM
The included DRM efficiently protects your valuable content and enforces the usage rules you define.
Each piece of content can have an individual usage license cryptographically bound to the end customer's account hardware.
While transparent during regular use, it allows you to limit or allow very flexible use cases including rentals, multi-device policy, burn permissions, copy and export permissions, digital and analog output restrictions, and much more.
Seamless Integration
The plugin and underlying backend seamlessly integrate with your BigCommerce frontend and enables you to offer a smooth and polished customer experience.
Backend integration is super simple and all sophisticated transcoding, DRM, CDN and delivery is done automatically in the background.
Benefit from FlickRocket's 10+ years experience as leading secure digital content distribution solution.
Additional help
For a guide and additional information see:
Securely sell DRM-protected digital content from your BigCommerce...