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Customer reviews: Back In Stock Alerts

Develop by spur-i-t.com

Reviews (27)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

The "Back In Stock Alerts" app generally receives positive reviews from merchants for its ease of use, customization options, and ability to boost customer engagement by automating stock notifications. However, some users have experienced issues with app compatibility and customer service, indicating room for improvement in those areas.

Key Strengths

  • Customization options for appearance and functionality.
  • Automates customer notifications about back-in-stock items.
  • Valuable insights into product demand and customer interest.
  • Easy installation and setup process.
  • Effective customer service, as noted by some users.

Common Concerns

  • Persistent issues with app data export and record consistency.
  • Compatibility problems with some BigCommerce themes.
  • Customer service criticisms, particularly regarding payment options.
  • Unexpected changes to app functionality, such as added advertisements.

Final Thoughts

The "Back In Stock Alerts" app is well-regarded for its functionality in helping merchants keep customers informed and engaged, contributing positively to conversion rates. Despite some technical and service-related challenges, its overall ease of use and customization capability make it a beneficial tool for managing stock alerts in e-commerce platforms.


May 12, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Make sure to export app data frequently - Be sure to export the data from all three tabs as often as you remember. Too many times have I noticed products that have tens or even over 100 people that have signed up to be notified when a product is back in stock only for me to find out the app has either no record of the product or very few signups. This has happened multiple times and even after contacting support it persists. After the last time it happened I contacted support and after a few days the 2 or 3 products that had their records disappear hours after they receive a signup started working again. I have been checking and exporting everything every few days just in case but I let my guard down for a couple days and noticed at least one product only had 4 signups but on May 9, 2020 there was 70 or 80 something. This is not the first time that many have vanished. Other products have experienced the same but I kept holding out for a fix. I haven't compared the export from May 9 and from today, May 12 yet but at first glance I think maybe at least one other product was reset.I have been using the app more than 2 years I believe and this has been happening for over a year. I keep putting off looking for an alternative but I can no longer justify the ~$25 per month with this continuing to happen.


Apr 07, 2016  on Bigcommerce

Added advertisements at checkout. Did not allow sellers to opt out beforehand, - I've once had a glowing review for BISA application by spur.it. Today, however, I learned that they changed their policy to plant advertisements after customers checkout, in exchange for making the service free. This makes it seem that we are selling ads on our webstore, which is sure to turn off our customers. Worse, they did not inform us until this morning that the feature is already activated, and will require a dev to turn it off. This is a sneaky way to implement a new feature, and one I believe will lose them clients more than they thought they'd attract. Very few sellers wants to lump advertisements further soliciting offers to their customers, especially when those ads have nothing to do with their business.While I learned it is possible to opt out, it is better to simply propose the feature to your clients and allow them to opt in instead.

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