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Wix Portfolio

Develop by Wix
Free App

Create stunning online portfolios with Wix's advanced design tools.

Customizable galleries
Seo optimization
Advanced design tools
Pro-designed layouts
Collection grouping
82 Reviews

About Wix Portfolio


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Showcase your work in a beautiful portfolio

  • Build an impressive portfolio in a few simple steps
  • Show off your best work by creating projects with your images and videos
  • Stand out with pro-designed gallery layouts and advanced customization tools
  • Generate more leads and opportunities with advanced SEO
Build your online portfolio with Wix’s cutting-edge design features and professional tools.
Start by adding your images and videos to projects alongside experiences, qualifications, skills, or any other extra details you’d like.

Craft a memorable portfolio with pro-designed gallery layouts and catalogs, then tweak every little detail to make it look exactly how you want.
Group your projects into Collections to help visitors find the what they’re looking for.

Once you're set up, easily update your entire portfolio from the dashboard.

Whether you’re a product, graphic or digital designer, photographer, video maker, artist, fashion designer or architect- build the online portfolio that truly reflects your talent.


  • Easy to create stunning portfolios with advanced design tools
  • Professional gallery layouts that enhance the visual appeal of work
  • User-friendly platform that requires a few simple steps to build a portfolio
  • Supports multimedia integration with images and videos in projects
  • Advanced SEO features to generate more leads and visibility
  • Highly customizable designs to fit personal branding needs
  • Ability to group projects into Collections for better organization
  • Regular portfolio updates can be managed easily from the dashboard


  • May require some learning curve for beginners unfamiliar with design tools
  • Potential performance issues with large image or video files on certain networks
  • Limited design flexibility for highly niche or complex portfolio needs
  • Some users might find the customization options overwhelming
  • SEO benefits might take time to manifest, requiring consistent updates and content management
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