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Time Blocker

Develop by Kliken
Free App

Effortlessly manage unavailability by blocking time for you or your team.

Block time effortlessly
Manage team schedules
Prevent unwanted bookings
Repeat recurring events

About Time Blocker


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Create blocked time for multiple staff members

  • Easily manage holidays, closures and time away
  • Block time for multiple team members in a click
  • Manage your schedule by blocking long periods like days or weeks
  • Works on any browser & device
Unavailable? Set blocks of time so clients can’t make bookings.

Bulk block time for yourself or for staff members.
Prevent appointments from being made on the date or times you block.
Repeat blocks for recurring events or long periods of unavailability.

Note: This app requires Wix Bookings to be pre-installed.


  • Effortlessly manage holidays, closures, and time away for both individuals and teams
  • Allows bulk blocking of time for multiple team members with a single action
  • Supports the blocking of long periods, such as days or weeks, which is useful for extended unavailability
  • Works seamlessly on any browser and device, ensuring accessibility and convenience
  • Prevents appointments during blocked times, reducing scheduling conflicts
  • Supports repeat blocks for recurring events, making it easy to manage consistent patterns of unavailability


  • Requires Wix Bookings to be pre-installed, adding a prerequisite for use
  • Potential limitations if users are not using the Wix platform, narrowing the app's usability

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