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Smart Zipcode Validator logo

Smart Zipcode Validator

Develop by Joboapps


/ Month

"Customize zip validator to match your store theme and check delivery."

Customizable widget design
Area availability check
Easy setup process
Inline and popup forms

About Smart Zipcode Validator

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Introduction Video


Allows the customers to check the availability

  • Personalize zipcode widget according to your store theme style, including text
  • Customers can quickly check product availability through area zipcode
  • Easy-to-use app configuration and clean design, one-click simple setup
  • Check product availability via a popup in all pages and inline form in product page
The smart zipcode validator is very useful for all website owners, zip-code validator is used to provide the customer an option to verify whether or not a product can be delivered in a specific locality. Once a customer arrives on the Product Details Page , below the product name section, there will be an input field provided to enter the zip code of the customer's location.
The Smart zipcode Validator app allows the customers to check the availability of the products in any particular area just by entering the zip code.


  • Customization: The app allows for personalization of the zipcode widget to match the store's theme and style, including text customization
  • User Experience: Customers can quickly check product availability using their area zipcode, enhancing the shopping experience
  • Ease of Use: The app is easy to configure with a clean design and supports a one-click simple setup process
  • Versatility: Product availability can be checked via a popup on all pages and as an inline form on the product page
  • Functionality: The validator helps verify if a product can be delivered to a specific locality, useful for both customers and store owners


  • Dependency on Internet: Functionality could be limited in offline or slow internet conditions
  • Limited to Zipcode: The app only checks availability using zipcodes, which may not account for other factors influencing delivery

Rating and Reviews


Sep 05, 2024  on Wix

doesn't work for booking page

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