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Silvr Bridge

Develop by Silvr
Free App

"Seamless sales sync: integrate multiple stores effortlessly with Silvr Bridge."

Easy integration
Marketing analytics
Multi-store integration
Sales data sync
Automated daily sync

About Silvr Bridge


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Integrate your data with Silvr

  • Complete Sales Data Sync - When an order is synced to Silvr Online, all your sales data will be synced
  • Easy Integration - You are ready to sync your data with just a few clicks
  • Marketing Analytics and eCommerce Insights
  • Automated Daily Process - Data is synced every day automatically
Sync your sales data with your Silvr account automatically. Our app acts as an automated sales reporter for your Marketing funding needs. Sync all your transactions - Stores Orders and Events.

Our app will sync your Products, Orders, Taxes, and Payment fees to Silvr - automatically or initiated manually. Silvr Bridge allows you to integrate more than one store to the same Silvr account.


  • Complete Sales Data Sync: Ensures all sales data, including products, orders, taxes, and payment fees, are automatically synced to Silvr
  • Easy Integration: Users can sync their data with just a few clicks, simplifying the onboarding process
  • Automated Daily Process: Sales data is synced daily, reducing manual workload and ensuring up-to-date information
  • Multi-Store Integration: Allows integration of multiple stores with a single Silvr account, providing a centralized view
  • Marketing Analytics and eCommerce Insights: Provides useful insights and analytics for informed decision-making
  • Automated Sales Reporting: Acts as an automatic sales reporter, useful for marketing funding needs


  • Potential Initial Setup Issues: Users might face challenges during the initial setup despite the easy integration
  • Limited Customization: The app might have limited options for customized reports or data handling
  • Dependence on Internet Connection: Continuous internet connectivity is required for seamless data syncing
  • Lack of Comprehensive Reviews: The app might have limited user reviews to fully gauge user satisfaction and issues

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