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Scroll to top

Develop by PurpleBear
Free App

Enhance navigation with customizable, seamless scroll-to-top button for your store.

Customizable layout
Flexible placement
Effortless integration
Smart display options
9 Reviews

About Scroll to top

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Simplify browsing with a Back-to-top button

  • Customizable Layout and Design: Personalize the button's layout (horizontal or vertical), icon type, and text
  • Flexible Placement: Control where the button is visible—specific pages or store-wide—for consistent navigation support
  • Effortless Integration: A quick, no-code setup that works seamlessly across all themes
  • Smart Display Options: Set the button to appear after a specific scroll percentage with separate settings for mobile and desktop
The Back to Top app enhances your store’s usability with a fully customizable scroll-to-top button that seamlessly aligns with your brand’s aesthetic. With simple one-click installation, it allows customers to smoothly return to the top of long pages, improving their shopping experience and encouraging greater engagement.

This versatile app gives you complete control over its design and functionality. Customize the icon type, upload your own icons, adjust button text, and choose between horizontal or vertical layouts to fit your store’s style. You can also define when and where the button appears, tailoring the experience for both desktop and mobile users.

The Back to Top app is the perfect solution for merchants who prioritize user-friendly design and seamless navigation. It improves the shopping experience by offering customers an easy way to return to the top of pages with long content. With customizable layout, icon, and display trigger options, Back to Top delivers a personalized experience that aligns with your store's unique style, all while boosting engagement and conversion rates.


  • Customizable layout and design options allow for personalization of the scroll-to-top button
  • Flexible placement settings let users control where the button is visible, providing consistent navigation support
  • Effortless integration with a quick, no-code setup that works seamlessly across all themes
  • Smart display options allow setting the button to appear after a specific scroll percentage, with separate settings for mobile and desktop
  • Enhances store usability by improving navigation, which may lead to increased engagement and conversion rates
  • Easy one-click installation process that aligns with the store's branding


  • May not provide significant functionality beyond scroll-to-top, depending on store needs
  • Limited feedback on performance on various e-commerce platforms if it's not widely reviewed yet
  • Potential for the button to be visually intrusive if not well-integrated into the store's design

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