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Scroll-Based Lottie Animation logo

Scroll-Based Lottie Animation

Develop by Studio Il
Free App

Seamlessly add dynamic scroll-triggered animations to enhance web user experience.

User-friendly interface
Effortless integration
Animation control
Dynamic scroll animations
Scroll-triggered effects
Frame control
Visibility settings
Interactive triggers

About Scroll-Based Lottie Animation


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Introduction Video


Scroll Your Story with Lottie

  • Lottie Animation: Easily add captivating animations to your website.
  • Interactive Scroll: Add dynamic motion to scrolling for a captivating user experience.
  • Animation Control: Customize animation pace by adjusting frames for a perfect visual sequence.
  • Scroll-Triggered Effects: Define when animations start and stop, enhancing user engagement.
Unlock Lottie Animation Magic!

Turn ordinary scrolling into an engaging journey of discovery.
Enrich your website with a captivating motion that guides users and sustains their interest.

Effortless Lottie Animation Integration: Seamlessly embed captivating Lottie animations that respond to user scrolling.

Total Frame Control: Set the animation's pace by adjusting the frames played for a perfect visual sequence.

Visibility Settings: Define when animations start and stop to enhance user engagement.

Interactive Triggers: Set custom triggers to enhance interactivity in specific sections. Great for sticky animations.

User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive solution for designers and creators.

* Currently you can only run one Lottie animation per page


  • Seamlessly integrates captivating Lottie animations into websites
  • Enhances user experience with dynamic scroll-triggered animations
  • Allows full control over animation pacing by adjusting frames
  • Customizable start and stop triggers enhance user engagement
  • Interactive triggers offer enhanced interactivity for specific sections
  • User-friendly interface makes it accessible for designers and creators

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