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Salesdish Stock Countdown

Develop by ANTDIY
Free App

Create urgency and boost sales with customizable stock countdown timers.

Customizable timers
Variant inventory updates
Product-specific display
9 Reviews

About Salesdish Stock Countdown


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Leverage urgency to increase conversion rates

  • Create Urgency, Boost Sales: Stock countdown create a sense of urgency by clearly displaying how much stock, encouraging customers to buy your products.
  • Variations Support: When customers select a different variant, the Inventory tab updates to show the remaining quantity for that variant.
  • Fully Customizable: You can fully customize the prompt text and the position of stock label that will appear when products will have the amount of quantity you set or less.
  • Specified Products Display: You can choose to display the stock countdown for all products or specific products.
Things that are scarce, or in limited quantities are usually more valuable - and scarcity creates a sense of urgency - or more commonly known as Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). By using these psychological factors, you can influence your customers' purchasing decisions and help you achieve higher conversions. This is why with the Salesdish Stock Countdown app, you can help your visitors decide to purchase a product and not risk it becoming unavailable later.

The app is very customizable and easy to set up. Text Above Countdown Timer Is Fully Customizable, You can change the text and emoji with ease above the countdown timer the way you like until you get the look that fits your store perfectly. If you just want to show timer for specific products, you can use the "Advanced Filter" to decide which products use the app. The app displays as expected on both desktop and mobile. No more confusing guide or developer's help. You can set up our app with just a few clicks of a button in less than a minute.

We love helping customers, please feel free to contact us if you have any problems.


  • Increases urgency and boosts sales through scarcity tactics
  • Fully customizable stock countdown timers, including text and emoji
  • Updates stock count in real-time for different product variants
  • User-friendly setup process that requires no developer help
  • Advanced filtering options to apply countdowns to specific products
  • Compatible with both desktop and mobile displays
  • Responsive customer support team for assistance


  • Potential overuse could lead to customer distrust if stocks don't actually run low
  • May contribute to decision fatigue for customers when applied to too many products
  • Limited appeal to stores not focused on scarcity-driven marketing strategies

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