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Pricing Plan Pro

Develop by Wix Freaks


/ Month
Free plan available

"Effortlessly switch between monthly and yearly plans; boost conversions."

Seamless integration
Boost conversions
Monthly-yearly switch

About Pricing Plan Pro

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Convert more with giving your users a choice

  • Monthly and Yearly Plan Switch
  • Ease of Choice
  • Seamless Integration
Pricing Plans Pro integrates with the pricing plan app of your site, allowing you to give your users an option to purchase between monthly and yearly plans. This shall help you convert more as you give your users discount on yearly plans.
You add all the plans on your sites dashboard, and then you can easily manage them on the site.
It uses the power and ease of use of the existing pricing plans app and make it more powerful.


  • Effortlessly switch between monthly and yearly plans, providing flexibility to users
  • Boosts conversions by offering discounted yearly plans
  • Seamless integration with existing pricing plan apps on the site
  • Simple management of plans through the site’s dashboard
  • Leverages the existing app's ease of use and enhances its functionality


  • Dependent on integration with an existing pricing plan app, which might not be compatible with all platforms
  • May require a learning curve to manage and navigate alongside the existing pricing app
  • Effectiveness heavily reliant on the existing implementation of the pricing plan app

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