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Customer reviews: Popup Forms by Smartarget

Develop by Smartarget

Reviews (70)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally appreciate "Popup Forms by Smartarget" for its ease of use and effective functionality. Many users find the app straightforward to set up and enjoy the ability to customize popups with images.

Key Strengths

  • Easy to configure and set up
  • Allows image integration in popups
  • User-friendly interface
  • Highly effective for its intended purpose

Common Concerns

  • No specific concerns mentioned in the reviews provided

Final Thoughts

"Popup Forms by Smartarget" receives positive feedback from merchants for its simplicity and functionality. It is well-received for its ease of use and effective customization features. Overall, the app is considered a valuable tool for creating popups.


Mar 13, 2025  on Wix

very hard to use1. the photo could not be shown comepletely 2.I am unable to remove a popup form from my homepage after turning off the Smartarget app trial expired.


Nov 18, 2024  on Wix

Easy to configureVery easy to setup, I also love that you can add an image.

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