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Exchange Rate logo

Exchange Rate

Develop by WİX Prof


/ Month

Real-time currency data display for your website effortlessly.

User-friendly interface
Customization options
Automatic updates
Easy installation
Real-time currency

About Exchange Rate


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Simple Exchange Rate app

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Customization Options
  • Automatic Updates
Transform your website into a dynamic hub of financial information with our seamless currency exchange rate display app. With easy installation, effortlessly integrate real-time rates sourced directly from xe.com via API. Elevate your site's informativeness and empower your users with accurate, up-to-the-minute currency conversion data. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your website's functionality and provide valuable insights to your visitors. Install now and watch your site thrive with real-time currency exchange rates at their fingertips. Choose the exchange rates you wish to display on your website, design the app using the editor – that's all


  • Real-time currency data sourced from xecom via API ensures accuracy
  • User-friendly interface makes it easy for non-technical users to install and use
  • Customization options allow users to choose specific exchange rates to display
  • Automatic updates ensure that the displayed rates are always current
  • Enhances website functionality by providing valuable financial insights
  • Potential to increase user engagement on your website with up-to-date data


  • Dependency on xecom API might cause issues if the API service is disrupted
  • Customization may be limited if complex design changes are required
  • Reliance on internet connectivity for real-time updates; offline use is not feasible
  • May require some technical knowledge despite being user-friendly, particularly during initial setup

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