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Deliveright White Glove

Develop by Deliveright
Free App

Seamless heavy goods delivery with real-time quotes and multiple service levels.

Real-time quotes
Multiple service levels
Automatic order booking

About Deliveright White Glove

Built by Deliveright

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Introduction Video


Heavy goods delivery solution

  • Heavy goods delivery solution for big & bulky products
  • Selection of various delivery services from White Glove to Threshold
  • Real-time quotes embedded into your checkout page
Our services cover all stages of delivery: first-to-final mile delivery services, freight and warehousing. We offer several service levels, ranging from White Glove with Deluxe, Room of Choice to Threshold and Curbside. The Deliveright app provides real-time quotes for delivery to customer's home, as well as automatic booking of delivery orders into Deliveright's delivery platform, Grasshopper.


  • Offers a variety of delivery services including White Glove, Room of Choice, and Curbside
  • Provides real-time quotes embedded directly into the checkout page, enhancing the shopping experience
  • Covers all stages of delivery from first-to-final mile and includes freight and warehousing services
  • Automatic booking of deliveries through the Deliveright platform, Grasshopper, streamlines the process


  • Limited information on the app's performance and reliability from available reviews
  • Potentially confusing for users unfamiliar with the different levels of service offered
  • Integration with existing systems may require additional technical resources

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