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ANTDIY-AliExpress Dropshipping logo

ANTDIY-AliExpress Dropshipping

Develop by ANTDIY
Free App

"Streamline dropshipping: Find, automate, and fulfill orders effortlessly with ANTDIY."

Product sourcing
Order automation
Bulk product import
Tracking synchronization
Global pricing rules
8 Reviews

About ANTDIY-AliExpress Dropshipping


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Low-price products & source services in China

  • Billions of products sourcing. Help you find cheaper and better quality alternatives from various reliable suppliers, such as AliExpress, Banggood, etc.
  • Automate your business faster. Exclusive AliExpress official API, directly connected to AliExpress, this App simplifies the entire dropshipping process.
  • Worry-free delivery. No longer worry about shipping, your products will be shipped directly from the supplier's warehouse to the customer's door.
  • 24/7 expert service. We will provide you with one-to-one expert service. when you encounter any problems, just contact us through Fresh chat, we will help you solve the problem as soon as possible.
What is ANTDIY?
As the official partner of AliExpress, ANTDIY will save you a lot of time and allow you to focus on increasing sales and managing your business. It provides a solution to help dropshippers to automate their daily business tasks by easily importing products from multiple AliExpress suppliers into your store and fulfills orders with just a few clicks. When these tasks are done manually without ANTDIY help, it is estimated that it will spend hours to set up and manage your store.

How ANTDIY can help you win:

One-click bulk add multiple products
Copy and paste the product URLs or IDs, you can easily directly add AliExpress products to your dropshipping store.

Automatic bulk orders
Reduce your workload and save time by automating bulk orders and fulfills multiple orders with one click.

Synchronize tracking numbers
Orders and tracking numbers are synchronized with your store, so your customers can know exactly when the product is expected to arrive.

Global pricing rules
By adding global pricing rules to your store, you don't have to adjust the pricing logic for each product you add to the store.


  • Billions of products sourcing, allowing access to cheaper and better quality alternatives
  • Automation streamlines the dropshipping process, saving time and reducing manual effort
  • Direct connection to AliExpress via exclusive API improves integration and reliability
  • Worry-free delivery ensures products are shipped directly from supplier to customer
  • 24/7 expert service offers immediate assistance through Fresh chat
  • One-click bulk add feature simplifies adding products to the store
  • Automatic bulk orders reduce workload and save time
  • Synchronization of tracking numbers keeps customers informed about delivery status
  • Global pricing rules simplify pricing adjustments for new products


  • The app is heavily reliant on AliExpress, which may limit options for dropshippers
  • Potential dependency on the exclusive API, meaning any API issues could impact operations
  • While automation is a benefit, beginners might find the initial setup complex without guidance
  • Limited information on integration with other platforms besides AliExpress and Banggood
  • No mention of advanced analytics or reporting features to help manage the business better

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