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Apps by Totalli

Curate and share favorite products visually and effortlessly with others. Show more

"Pin and Share" is an innovative app designed to boost shop revenues and user engagement by allowing customers to "pin" their favorite products and share these collections effortlessly. Without the need for a user account, users can visually curate their preferred items, similar to creating boards on Pinterest, and share these collections with friends, family, or colleagues for inspiration, gift ideas, or suggestions. This seamless sharing experience enhances shopping enjoyment by connecting people through shared interests and recommendations. The app also offers a convenient option for personal use, allowing users to send product URLs to themselves as a handy reminder of favorite items. By fostering community and simplifying the sharing process, "Pin and Share" elevates online shopping to a more interactive and engaging experience.
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No account needed
Effortless sharing
Visual product curation
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Pin and collect your favorite products and share

Increase shop revenues and engagement by "pinning" favorite products and sharing them with others or yourself, without the need of user account

"Pin and share" combines the fun of "pinning" (like Pinterest) your favorite products in a visual collection with the ease of sharing this collection with other people (friends, family, colleagues etc.). As a suggestion, inspiration or a gift idea. You can also use it to send the URL to yourself as a reminder of what you saw and liked on the shop.

Pin and share: collect and view your favorite products together logo
$2.99 / Month

Curate and share favorite products visually and effortlessly...

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