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Apps by Smartarget.online

Instantly answer customer queries with optimized, convenient, site-wide FAQs. Show more

FAQ by Smartarget is a powerful tool designed to enhance customer experience by providing immediate answers to common questions as soon as visitors land on your website. By addressing frequently asked questions upfront, it builds customer trust and confidence, thereby accelerating the purchasing decision. This app allows businesses to present vital information across all pages, significantly reducing the dependency on customer support and preserving team resources. It includes features such as question and answer sections, direct links to relevant pages, and accessible contact information for personalized assistance if needed. Seamlessly optimized for both desktop and mobile use, FAQ by Smartarget ensures that your customers get the information they need quickly and efficiently, no matter where they are. Enhance your customer interactions by making their most pressing questions easily accessible, streamlining their journey on your site.
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Link integration
Reduce support requests
Site-wide faqs
Enhanced trust
Optimized display

Answer your customers' most common questions and reduce support requests

When a customer lands on your site, you can bet they'll have a few questions. But when you answer all of their most common questions right off the bat, you enhance the confidence & trust they have in your business—pushing them to purchase even faster.

Smartarget FAQ lets you easily surface the most helpful information to your site's visitors, reducing the need for them to contact customer support (which eats into your team's bandwidth).

You can show the FAQ on every page with questions and answers, links to relevant pages, and your support email or phone number if they do need to chat with you directly.

Optimized for desktop and mobile devices

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  • Free Plan Available

Instantly answer customer queries with optimized, convenient,...

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