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Apps by Prefixbox.com

Enhance BigCommerce search with AI-driven, typo-tolerant, and dynamic features. Show more

Prefixbox AI Search is a powerful tool designed to enhance the search and discovery experience on your BigCommerce store effortlessly. This app leverages cutting-edge search technology, including typo-tolerant Rich Autocomplete and a Hybrid Search Engine that supports vector search, to ensure users find what they need quickly and efficiently. With features like dynamic filtering, merchandising, and automated synonym mining, Prefixbox AI Search makes it easier for shoppers to navigate through products, boosting user satisfaction. It automatically optimizes search rankings, saving your team time and effort in manual adjustments and improving the overall online shopping journey. By integrating this AI-driven search solution, businesses can see a notable increase in conversion rates by up to 15% and a surge in online revenue by as much as 30%. Embrace Prefixbox AI Search for a seamless, intelligent search experience that drives results.
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Rich autocomplete
Hybrid search engine
Dynamic filtering
Automated synonym mining
Improved rankings
Ai-driven search

Prefixbox seamlessly connects with your BigCommerce store to automatically improve your search and discovery experience.

About Prefixbox AI Search

Prefixbox seamlessly connects with your BigCommerce store to automatically improve your search and discovery experience. Get access to our typo-tolerant Rich Autocomplete, Hybrid Search Engine (supports vector search), dynamic filtering, Merchandizing, and automated synonym mining.

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Why Prefixbox?

Prefixbox leverages the latest search technology (vector search) to improve the online shopping experience.

Prefixbox 's AI Search automatically improves rankings, so shoppers find what they're looking for and your team can save time by not having to manually optimize search.

AI search can increase your conversion rate 15% and online revenue 30% while improving the user experience.

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Enhance BigCommerce search with AI-driven, typo-tolerant,...

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