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Apps by Mindbulbs

  • $9.99 / Month
50 Reviews

Integrate and customize your eBay store seamlessly on your website.

Seamless integration
Mobile optimization
Display variants
Automatic branding
Direct website sales
Product pagination

Easily add your eBay store to your website

  • QUICK & EASY INTEGRATION - just enter your eBay username to automatically load you products - no uploading required!
  • INSTANT BRANDING - your ebay store will automatically match your website with additional customisation options.
  • PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - Your customers can now bid, buy or make an offer directly from your website, without distractions from other ebay sellers
  • FULL MOBILE OPTIMISATION - so your customers can bid and purchase on the go
Boost your sales by showcasing your eBay products within your website. Customise your shop and let your customers browse your product range without distractions from competing eBay sellers. • Easily add your eBay store to your website for a beautiful seamless look and let visitors buy/bid directly from your site. • Your eBay store will automatically customize itself to your existing website upon installation. • Sell an unlimited number of eBay products from your website. • Mobile optimized to provide the best mobile experience for on-the-go shoppers. • Show 60 products per page with simple pagination so customers can easily navigate through your catalogue. • Display variants of your products, such as size and colour allowing your customers to instantly view their options. • We don’t take any commission on the sales you make through the App. What you sell is all yours. • 30 day FREE trial
eBay Store logo
(50 Reviews)
$9.99 / Month

Integrate and customize your eBay store seamlessly on your...

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