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Apps by Manoj the Yogi

  • $3.75 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
5 Reviews

Easily manage bookings with customizable calendars and integrated payment options. Show more

Booking Calendar is a versatile app designed to streamline the booking process with a user-friendly interface. It offers a free trial period of 30 days upon initial installation, which is applicable to both the basic and Off-Grid Rentals templates. The app allows users to easily set start and end dates for bookings through a clickable calendar or configure check-in/check-out dates via the settings. Users can customize labels and images to mark dates as unavailable, available, or reserved, enhancing visual clarity. The dashboard provides a centralized view for managing all bookings across multiple rentals on a single screen. While the basic calendar is available for free, the upgraded Booking Calendar includes advanced features like a user-friendly UI for date selection and a form to collect and store contact information in the CMS. Additionally, the Off-Grid Rentals template seamlessly integrates with Stores for payment processing, and advanced users can leverage Velo API for email notifications, custom booking rules, and availability checks. Comprehensive user guides and video tutorials are available to assist users in maximizing the app's potential.
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Integrated payment options
Customizable calendars
Manage bookings dashboard
Check-in/check-out dates
Api for custom integrations

Manage bookings for all types of rentals

  • Free Trial of the Booking Calendar available for 30 days after initial installation, also applies to the Off-Grid Rentals template
  • Click calendar dates to set the start and end of your booking, or use the Settings to enable check-in/check-out dates
  • Customize start and end date labels, as well as images for unavailable, available and reserved dates
  • Dashboard page allows for the viewing and managing of all bookings for all rentals on a single screen
Includes both a Basic Calendar for free and a Booking Calendar as an upgrade option. The Booking Calendar comes with a UI for users to view and select available dates for making bookings and also a form to collect contact information to store in the CMS with the booking dates. An Off-Grid Rentals template has also been created that integrates the Booking Calendar with Stores to collect payment for bookings. Contact us if interested. With Velo (coding), use the provided API widget to store booking dates and contact information. The API can also be used for email notifications, custom booking rules, to check availability, and remove bookings. A detailed User Guide (click Learn More link) and video tutorials on using the Booking Calendar and its API are available at the website.
Booking Calendar logo
(5 Reviews)
$3.75 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Easily manage bookings with customizable calendars and integrated...

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